World Wide Jamaat Address and Links

Worldwide Jamaat Address and Links

how to use categorys/taxonomy to make adding pages easier for clients/designers

hello. i have been reading various articles from the handbooks and external sources, but i can not find a good example for converting from no cms to a cms. i designed a layout in illustrator and programmed the design in css/html. and made all the necessary effects/image modules using jquery. i have a model/category structure for the industrial designers website which consists of collections, pieces (with-in a collection), and materials (with-in the pieces). how do i customize drupal so i can add each category seperate.

Nice Menus

Nice menus in action
Nice menus makes it easy to add dropdown/flyout menus, using CSS-only in capable browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc) and with additional Javascript for troublesome browsers (IE).

Please report any bugs, feature requests, and support questions to the Nice Menus issue queue.


  • Up to 10 Nice Menus blocks - through settings you can configure the number of Nice menus blocks.
  • Add and customize Nice Menus functionality to unlimited menus using the included theme_ functions.
  • Horizontal menus or vertical menus popping right or left.
  • Simple default styling which can be overridden using your own stylesheet.


  • Copy nice_menus folder to your sites/all/modules directory.
  • Log in as webmaster. In the main Drupal menu's "Modules" item (URL:, replacing by the name of your site) enable the Nice menusmodule. In Drupal6: at Administer -> Site building -> Modules (admin/build/modules).

is there theme develop tools for drupal? Joomla has several this type of tools

is there theme develop tools for drupal? Joomla has several this type of tools which people can use dreamweaver to design the page. that make things much easy.. Does drupal have this type of tools ???? I would like to pay for it even.

Pay by hour, looking for somebody to teach how to theme the drupal. in London.

I am looking for somebody who can teach me how to design the page (or theme) the drupal 5.x 6.x. pay by hour (£30) or you decide how much you want.

I want to learn how to design the page for drupal ( theme for the whole site and some different looking pages at the different position) .
I am male ,30, I know simple html, css, I don't know php, but I have been looking at php for a while, I can understand they use 'print' to print different content in the different postion of the pages.

Images and Views in Drupal 6 (or lack thereof)

Mac OS X 10.4.10
Drupal 6.0b2

I am not an expert by any means (you guys astound me), but I have managed to get Drupal 6 up and running, even getting clean URLs to work - no mean feat, for me anyway.

I see that Views and the Image module don't yet exist for 6.0b2 and that people are working on a cleaner solution for 6.0, but I need to do something that I think should be exceedingly simple: put an image on the top of content on the front page.

If I link to the external file in a post, I get the title and comments - which I don't want.


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