I'm getting started on my first Drupal 6 theme, and am stuck with what I think is a trivial issue. I'd like to get the sidebar information (e.g. front, logged-in, sidebar-left, no-sidebar, etc).
I've tried: <body<?php print phptemplate_body_class($left, $right); ?>>
(Same as 'Garland' theme.) Which just generates <body>.
i just came across this nifty tool for joomla that allows you to post to the site from an APP on an OS. Does anyone know of anything similar for drupal?
Is there any way to downgrade Drupal from 6.x to 5.x?
I cant find many modules under the 6.x beta, so i want to revert back.
Is there any way to do it?
it's interesting how Ubuntu, my favourite Linux distribution, and Drupal, the best and most popular cms platform, have new releases coming out at the same time.
it's worth noting that ubuntu uses drupal to run it's main site, www.ubuntu.com and it's news site The Fridge.