Drupal 6.0 beta 2 released

Update: Drupal 6.0 Beta 3 is available now!

Our first Drupal 6 beta version was released just over a month ago, so given the large number of usability improvements and bug fixes that we've added since then, we're proud to announce the release of the second beta version of Drupal 6.x for your testing. This beta version includes all the latest security bug fixes as released in Drupal 5.3 and 4.7.8. The first beta announcement provided a comprehensive list of improvements made since Drupal 5.x, so in this announcement we'll concentrate on how you can help ensure that Drupal 6 is released as soon as possible and is as rock solid as the previous Drupal releases that you've grown to love!

The most notable change is that we moved the long time favorite Drupal.module out of the Drupal package. It will instead be available as the contributed Site network module. This was done because Drupal 6 has a more secure and widely supported solution for distributed authentication in the form of the OpenID standard.

We've also fixed a number of issues since the previous beta. We fixed numerous PHP notices, upgraded to jQuery 1.2.1, included a more secure solution for IN() queries, added schema based load and save functions, extended built-in AHAH functionality so developers can write AHAH code without JavaScript for different types of form elements, merged .schema files with .install files, made it possible for themes to override core and module CSS files and made it possible to have comment settings per node type, among a number of other improvements.

Embedded Media Field: Third Party Videos, Audio & Images

The Embedded Media Field (emfield) creates a field to accept pasted URL's or embed code from various third party media content providers, such as YouTube and Flickr. It will then parse the URL to determine the provider, and display the media appropriately.

Currently, the module ships with Embedded Video Field, Embedded Image Field, and Embedded Audio Field. In addition, it has Embedded Media Import, to import photosets and playlists into individual nodes, when allowed by specific providers. Finally, it also ships with Embedded Media Thumbnail, which allows editors to override provider-supplied thumbnails with their own custom image thumbnails.

The module also allows field & provider specific settings and overrides, such as autoplay, resized thumbnails or videos for teasers, RSS support, and YouTube's 'related videos'. You can turn off individual provider support on a field or global basis.

Currently supported providers:


  • Blip.TV
  • Brightcove
  • Daily Motion
  • Google
  • Guba
  • JumpCut
  • imeem
  • Lastfm
  • LiveVideo
  • MetaCafe
  • MySpace
  • Revver
  • SevenLoad
  • Spike.TV
  • Tudou
  • Veoh
  • Vimeo
  • YouTube
  • Local videos (when already uploaded in the files directory)

Drupal 6 beta ? Where ?

think about the new visitor to drupal.org frontpage. How could he know that there is a drupal 6 beta running ?

If you want more people to help beta test, there should be a link to the beta on frontpage, or at least to a post about it.


Modify a Theme

I have picked a theme for my website but it only supports a column on one side of the page, is there any way to make this theme have two columns? It is the barroness theme. I appreciate any help I can get.

Drupal Development/Support

Looking for a student or a developer (preferred from Germany, wider Rhein-Main area e.g. Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, Mainz, Koeln) with good knowledge and experience (pls provide references) regarding Drupal, on a pay-per-hour basis.

What is that about? Social networking / sourcing website, main/core functionality existing but plans to enhance functionality during the next months:

- Internalisation
- Redesign/Theming
- e-commerce implementation
- lots of smaller enhancements

theme system module ?

i have just been reading up on some of the changes to drupal's theme system and the number 1 feature that seems to be king is the real seperation of php code from html/css code.

as a non programmer i m really in favour of this move. however, like i said i m a non programmer and was wondering if anybody out there was goign to take this new theme system one step forward and create a "custom theme module".


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