
similar to ,i want build a site like .how can i do! i use Drupal 6.0beta1.who can do it?

Need Drupal Expert for Video Hosting/Social Network site

I am looking for Drupal programmer to build a video hosting / social network site for me.
Please email me for your information


Organic Groups - state of development???


would anybody like to speak out about the current affairs with OG to give us an orientation?

How is the Organic Groups modul evolving?
What is the state of development?

Besides that from what I can see in the code and changelog - what are the current problems, what is the roadmap, what do you wish to do, what would you like to have done ...

How deep is the implementaion of "groups"? What can a group have / do and what not?

I read in that there are some issues with privat groups... is there are solution for this on the horizon?

regarding docs i would like to ask: is there a clear definition of what groups should do and what not?

Also I would like to read something about the design related to drupal core, to get an understanding for what will and what will never be possible.

How about experiences with other modules, what are the biggest problems there?

Some more questions:

- can groups have their own (private) taxonomy?
- can groups have private nodes?
- can groups have public nodes?
- how well is this integrated with forums?
- is there anything that enables groups to VOTE for a node to change from private to public?
(is this even possibole with current drupal core implementation?)
- can groups have group calendars with privat and public events?

Problem when showing content

Hi Guys

I have just installed Drupal for the first time and have been integrating it into my own theme but am having some strange issues with the way that some of the items display on the various pages.

On the "CREATE CONTENT" pages, there is a big gap between the top of the page, between where the heading is and where the content box starts, this gap is usually the height of the left side menu. However when the content is previewed or viewed normally it goes right to the top.

Any good ideas about INTEGRATING drupal's CMS with a third party middleware solution (e.g. Omnipilot's Lasso web engine)


Being a Lasso [developer] [web designer] [system analyst] ... I have developed corporate secure-session based intranet site among other personal projects.

The emphasis (so far) was on Buz-Logic automation and building custom analytical reporting layers (with fully fledged dynamic charting ... etc...)

Also, the fact that I utilized Lasso (A fully object-oriented Markup Language, similar to Coldfusion - for those who are not aware of it.) ... so, I always enjoyed working alone while deliviring complex automated flows at n-tier.

This means I was designing content creation web aplications, and I realized that after some stage, I was crossing the barrier of what would be typically CMS functionality - I did not want to loose my time and reinvent the wheel. It is only recently that I have opened my eyes into the 'thriving' opensource CMS world...

After deep research and comparitive study, I have eventually landed into Drupal as my final preffered CMS.


I want seemless integration of my web-application with drupal. - I liked the themes ;-)

Q: What options are there to integrate a 'CMS' with a 'DCC: Dynamic Content Creator' such as a pre-existing sessioned web-application.

I presume these points would be answer starters:

How do I get HTML code to show up as text in the Forum?

I have the FORUM that came with the installer.

I need to be able to show HTML text in my help section, so people know what code to use for an image or a URL... Unless there is an upgrade that has buttons for images & urls?? like [img] & [url] <-- I like those buttons, very simple for users.

Thanks everyone :)



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