Free Hosting for Drupal sites

I wanted to propose an idea.

This idea originated from a major need. Even though we have such a great CMS..the benefits are not visible becoz most people host the sites with various hosts...who ill fit the need.
Hence Drupal seems to lack on performance and other factors.

Why not have a special hosting free for all Drupal sites. This has certain benefits.

PO files?

I understand that these are for translation, but why do certain modules need to contain their own? or is it simply because the phrases are to specific?

OG and OG contrib modules: Proposal for Audience rewrite

Hi all:

I'm planning to use OG in some sites I'm developing and have found that the audience selection can be improved.

* There are some problems related only to OG: For example see
Here we can talk about two things:
Do we need access to audience fields always?
Is not possible to give the admin the chance to restrict that?
If we do, how can be the nodes moved from a group to another? (this is the problem that caused SomebodySysop patch not to be committed)
And the audience has to be always a multiple select? -> That's about crossposting
I think that crossposting to more than one group is a valuable thing but it has to be used with caution.
A lot of admins wouldn't like to see some content types crossposted as this could cause, for example, that comments of one group to be seen in other groups! This can result in a lot of problems since users think their comments are only readed in their group, and they "know" the people in the group. Is very likely that they don't expect other people to read their comments.
The solution to the above is to have crossposting enabled on a content type basis. This way I can disable crosposting or story (the content type normal users use to write contents) and allow crossposting to, for example, page. The I disable comments on pages and I'm out of trouble.
This is only a example.

technorati-like rss aggregator in Drupal?

I need to do a rss aggregator for a site with more than 6000 weblogs feeds. some feeds are broken, some feeds doesn't updates and some ones are very active.
It's possible to make a technorati-style aggregator site (with social networking bits) in Drupal? the aggregator2 module will do it?
how can I aggregate this load of feeds? Can I set several cron jobs and 'chop' the aggregation part?

any idea or comment to do this will be greatly appreciated.


How to create a working textgroup? Possible locale bug?

I'm trying to create a seperate textgroup for a group of modules to be able to manage translations better.

I've created hook_locale as follows:

Porting AJAX File Browser to Drupal

I love the WebFM module, but I cannot seem to get that module to allow an authenticated user to browse the file structure and download files without allowing them to add, edit, or delete files and folders. I am looking for the same functionality, but for the anonymous user.

Thankfully I found AJAX File Browser!


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