All-in-one installers for Drupal and Drupal Beta


We have created an easy to use installer for Drupal that also installs and configures Apache, MySQL and PHP. The idea is to have everything up and running by the time you click 'finish' so that you don't have to do any manual configuration. Currently we have Windows and Linux versions, with OS X and Solaris planned.

Our goal is to make open source applications as easy to use as possible (we have installers for other projects as well).

What do you need for multisite installations? (Guidebook confusing)

I am finding the guidebook very confusing for completing my multisite installation.

Am I correct to understand that ALL you need in the sites folder for each example site is:

That's it? But, then how do you get your host to serve up the page from there when it is now buried so deep in your directory and has no index page?

So, I have

What is the status of users as nodes in drupal 5/6?

What is the status of users as nodes in drupal 5/6? i read some talk about this for 4.x but so far it was all just patches, are they their own content type?

Make me Drupal 6 training videos

I am looking for a Drupal expert, who would like to make video tutorials about Drupal 6 using screen capture software (Camtasia Studio on Windows preferred, but this is not a mush-have tool).

It takes ~10 hours to record and edit one 1 hour long video. You must have a good pronouncing in English (so you must be native speaker or perfect in English).

Please contact me if you can do this work. This offer is serious!

Regarding new website development

I want to develop product comparision website like With some knowledge of Drupal, I think drupal can be tweaked to develop product comparision website.
Is there anyone who can work with me to tweak and develop website similar to

Please let me know what will be your approximate charges for completely developing website like fool.

Request for Proposals - ChurchTV

The Commercial Appeal is accepting proposals for a directory service for churches in the Memphis area. The RFP can be found below. Any questions can either be added to this thread, or you can email Brandon Morrison at "morrison at commercialappeal dot com".


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