Users Can't delete images

Well I am getting close to what I want. I was able to get the user galleries to work using acidfree
along with image and image gallery. However, I don't see any way for users to delete their own images after they upload them. You can edit the galleries themselves but can't delete the images...

Help anyone? :)

Joomla! has Menu Images...

Joomla has menu images as an option when creating a new menu item. It would be great if Drupal had this built in as well. Many sites use images as menu items, as well as images (icons) along side of text for the menu items. There are also JavaScript effects many use such as mouseover and highlight of text as the mouse pointer goes over the menu items.

Custom triggers in Drupal 6

where can i find documentation to make custom triggers?

Is it possible to paginate a themed table?

Is it possible to paginate a themed table? for example :

say I have my php as:

//$trow has over 100 rows but I want say 30 to a page with header intact
print theme('table', $header, $trow, $ta);

Local Advertiser Banner Ads

I need to be able to provide a mechanism through which local organizations and businesses can buy advertising space on a site that will be developed with Drupal. I'm trying to figure out if the components already exist or if I'll have to build them. Any thoughts or experiences with this? This is going to be a source of revenue for the organization that will be represented by this site.

drupal_execute with drupal 6

I had drupal_execute working under Drupal 5.x, but am having trouble getting it to work under Drupal 6.

Under 5.x, drupal_execute worked like this :

$node = array('type' => 'mynodetype');
drupal_execute($form_id, $form_values, $node);

Under 6.x I'm trying this :

$node = array('type' => 'mynodetype');
// a number of lines to setup form_state
drupal_execute('mynodetype_form', $form_state, $node); // this inserts node

I also tried to simply copy and past the sample from the Drupal 6 API docs but this didn't work :


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