Being an older man (60 yrs old to be exact) we date back to the 80's and FIDONet, GTPowerNet, RBBSNet, net al...
A feature I miss from those days that would make Drupal more community oriented was the ability to write in what was then called a conference area now known as forums ... then exchange conference areas with other GT or Fido based programs.. in other words, share what was posted at our website in the forums with other drupals in our "net" .. and vise versa.
Cron could be used to package and ship on a scheduled basis - the ability to receive and unpack into the proper forums in the database could also be cron powered.
How do you know what forums we have - and how do I know what forums you have..?
It was all done by subscription. If we had say a PTSD forum and you had PoW/MIA we would subscribe to your forum and if you wanted our PTSD talk you could subscribe to ours.
If we did not have an area setup for PoW/MIA the unpacking/insertion program would write the area - same could happen with a drupal setup.. ( like a plugin ) where the area and data could be inserted automagically.