Drupal Webmaster Services

Need someone to configure or manage your drupal installation for you? Support services?

Snow Valley consulting can help setup, configure, manage and update every aspect of your drupal installation.

We can also help you build and design new drupal websites, upgrade existing sites and provide SEO (Search Engine Optimization) advice.

A list of sites we provide webmaster services for.

Computing a field from a view

Your mileage may vary, but here is some code which calculates a field based on a view.

This code may not do what you want— if the view changes (e.g. another node is added), this field would not be re-evaluated till the next time the node is saved.

One (ugly) solution is to put similar code into the header or footer of a view.

This is a coding alternative to the views_calc module, which allows a great deal of flexibility, but is perhaps not ideal.

Track e-commerce statistics in Analytics with Ubercart

Google Analytics offers features and reports to support tracking of sales data for your e-commerce site. If you are using the Google Analytics module, you may also enable the "Google Analytics for Ubercart" module that is included in the core Ubercart package. This will add the appropriate HTML/Javascript to your store's order completion page so your sales data gets reported to Analytics. You can then use any of the product, customer, sales, and referrals widgets available in Google Analytics to follow the success of your Ubercart site.

How to create the following site menu in Drupal...

product 1
product 2
product 3
service 1
service 2
service 3

In the example above uppercase words are not links, just menu section titles; lowercase words are actual links.

Drupal Suggestions


Being an older man (60 yrs old to be exact) we date back to the 80's and FIDONet, GTPowerNet, RBBSNet, net al...

A feature I miss from those days that would make Drupal more community oriented was the ability to write in what was then called a conference area now known as forums ... then exchange conference areas with other GT or Fido based programs.. in other words, share what was posted at our website in the forums with other drupals in our "net" .. and vise versa.

Cron could be used to package and ship on a scheduled basis - the ability to receive and unpack into the proper forums in the database could also be cron powered.

How do you know what forums we have - and how do I know what forums you have..?

It was all done by subscription. If we had say a PTSD forum and you had PoW/MIA we would subscribe to your forum and if you wanted our PTSD talk you could subscribe to ours.

If we did not have an area setup for PoW/MIA the unpacking/insertion program would write the area - same could happen with a drupal setup.. ( like a plugin ) where the area and data could be inserted automagically.

how do I view what I'm doing?

I'm just getting started with Drupal. How do I view anything that I am creating?

I'm very clueless.


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