Tutorial for Drupal 6 modules?

I was just following the module tutorial for Drupal 5, but that seems to be incompatible with Drupal 6.


Is there a tutorial for module development with Drupal 6? Maybe a simple template to begin with?

Processing PHP in my content?

Hi folks,

I am a PHP/mySQL developer and I have a project that I am looking to marry to a third party cms. So I am wondering if Drupal can handle PHP scripting within the content of pages or do I need to plan on using iframes as content and build my apps as stand alone pages?

Thanks for any advice!


problem in use gogleAdsens code in my frontpage.

my site is http://wwwpercms.com ( drupal 6 core)
I have an error in use googleAdsens ( javascript ) code in Frontpage.

it doesn't show nothings in this part ( googleAsd right sidebar) but it haven't error in other page .

what your suggestion for solving it ?

New Drupal Theme: Sky

Hello all,

I just contributed my first Drupal theme.

Demo: http://sky.graviteklabs.com
Project: http://drupal.org/project/sky

Hope you guys like it. :)

taxonomy/term/# in menu, but when clicking on menu, doesn't expand to show sub-menu nodes.

Forgive me if my new-ness shows through here but:

In Drupal 6.0 beta:

-I've setup a taxonomy, with a term named: Doggies (for sake of illustration)

-I've got a link to "taxonomy/term/2" - all Doggies nodes - in my navigation menu.

-I've set up each individual Doggie node as a menu sub-item to the "taxonomy/term/2" menu item.

Las teorías del aprendizaje y de la instrucción utilizadas para el diseño multimedia

En esta ocasión comentaremos brevemente nuestra opinión acerca de las teorías del aprendizaje y las teorías de la instrucción utilizadas para el diseño de materiales multimedia.


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