Snippets problem


Since 2 months I'm looking for a snippet code to show me nodes
- from a content type "story"
- from a taxo id "98"
- in the list of 10

how could i do that?

please help! thanks...

Looking for a User "mini-website" Module

Hi Drupal Community,

Going from 6.x-dev to 6.0-beta?

Is it possible to upgrade from the pre beta version to the beta version?

Also, is it possible to 'downgrade' to 5.2?


Drupal Beta 6 and Node-privacy

posting per the request of a team member,

I'm curious why something like this is not integrated and maintained directly in Drupal as it's something I feel would be extremely beneficial
for anyone looking to operate a large site requiring adequate and powered moderators for the entire CMS system, not just a forum. And/or a subscription-based blog, etc...

Full time Web Developer / Programmer needed who knows Drupal for Enviro Non-Profit in Toronto, ON

Web Developer / Programmer

Location: Toronto, ON
Term of Contract:Regular full-time
commensurate with experience
Application deadline: September 28, 2007
Start date: ASAP

Need help with align images please

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to Drupal (about 2 weeks) and have been struggling for the past 3 days just with this one issue.

How do I get the thumbnail and large image to show ..

This is what I've done.

1. Created a story content called Press Releases
2. Added 2 fields that are image type (thumbnail and largeimage)

Then I select 'Create Content' and add a press release and upload 2 images separately (just can't figure out the thumbnail to large image with one upload)

The thumbnail and the large image displays below the article .. no matter what I do ..


My node.tpl.php is as follows:

phptemplate_comment_wrapper(NULL, $node->type);

print $node->nid; " class="node if ($sticky) { print ' sticky'; } if (!$status) { print ' node-unpublished'; } ">

print $img

if ($page == 0):

print $node_url " title=" print $title "> print $title


if ($submitted):
print t('!date — !username', array('!username' => theme('username', $node), '!date' => format_date($node->created)));

if ($teaser):
if ($node->field_thumbnail['view']):


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