A good free host

I have been using this JWN Media hosting for about a year now and I must say that they are probably the best host I have ever had in the seven years of hunting for free servers.

*NOTE* Users get a bonus for refering other user, please DO NOT use my name to give me a bonus. I am simply trying to promote a good free host because I see a handfull of you asking in IRC about hosts, not rack up affilate link goodies. I only included this part as not to confuse the lurking admins into thinking im breaking the Posting Rules here :)

New Theme for Drupal - Morning After

I just finished porting the Morning After theme for Wordpress to Drupal. Feedback welcome! You can see the theme at http://www.hyrme.com

Froogle Like Tool/Site Needed

I am looking for a team developers and designers to build a froogle-like website.

They will need to be able to manage a project which involves building
custom API's to interface with the API's of various websites (approx
30) to dump all of their data into my database. The database needs to be updated for each site at least once daily.

The second part of the project involves creating a custom search tool
to search through the database and display the results.

We would like to build the site on drupal if possible, and if it is our best option.

Drupal 6 system requirement question

I'm running php 4.4.4 and mysql 4.1.13 .

Will I lose some features of Drupal 6 (in particular in the case of block caching) with these versions of PHP and MYSQL comparated to 5.xx versions of both ?


For Design Website - Need Help!


OG User Roles: Hooks


    As of release 5.x-2.5.
    Hook to allow other modules to supply a Group Node ID to identify the group a user is in.
    No input parameters.
    Return value
    Returns a single Group Node ID which should be defined by your module as the current group context for the current user.
    Sample code


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