Simple Globals question

This is probably a very dumb question.
to have variables such as $user and $pager_page_array able to be pulled into scope with 'global' do they not have to be in the scope above aka not inside a function? I have looked around and from what i could see there was never a point when either were not in a function and from what I understood that was not possible so im just a little confused!!

Drupal Entwickler für Social Community Projekt in Verbindung mit VBulletin gesucht - Germany

Kurzer aktueller Abriss

Aktuell betreiben wir eine recht erfolgreiche Musik affine Community mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Content. Bei uns liegen etwa 500 exklusive Artikel zu diversen Thematiken. Ferner gibt es ungefähr 12.000 freiwillige Anmeldungen im vbulletin Board (obwohl alle Bereiche des Forums für alle User lesbar gehalten sind, genauso wie der Content).
Als CMS nutzen wir aktuell Joomla. Die einzige Interaktionsoberfläche für die User ist das Forum, welches auf dem vbulletin basiert.

Filter a block that is a content type by category

I hope this makes sense.

On our site, we created a "Did You Know" kind of content type to appear as a block (Image, Title, Blurb). The way it was supposed to work, the user would create a new Content Type, and the most recently appearing "sticky at top of lists" created Content type would be the one that appeared on all pages.

Now, however, we would like to change it so that we can dynamically determine which types of "Did-You-Knows" appear where. So, if a did-you-know is about a particular staff member, it could be in the section "About us," and if it's about a particular project that is being worked, it can appear in the section about that project. I'm just not sure exactly how to go about it.

The first step I took was, for the "Did You Know" that I wanted to appear on the about page, I made the parent item "about," and the one for projects, I made the parent item "projects", etc.

Quiz or survey

Is there a quiz or survey addon for drupal where I can have different sections - so instead of simply saying you score 80 in the quiz, for instance, I would like it to say you score 80 for aggression, 73 for Alertness, 48 for Safety Awareness and so on for example.

Should I wait or just install drupal?

Drupal 6 beta has been released recently, and it must be better than drupal 5.x & 4.x.
I want to start a new website by using drupal, and should I just install the latest stable version of drupal or wait for the release of drupal 6?
And if I get drupal version 5.x/4.x run in my website, is it easy and safe enough to upgrade drupal to version six?


Yet another social network site


My company is looking to launch a new version of our adult social
network site. This is an adult site where people upload their own
material, discuss, chat, form groups, etc. Drupal seems to be a
good platform to start with. Rich media (picture, audio, video)
We need to all the current data moved to the new system.
New custom modules will be required.

Please contact me at allancph AT gmail DOT com

Regards Allan


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