Content, the Drupal Way

Organizing content in Drupal can be very liberating — or very frustrating, depending on what methods you're used to using.

Almost all information in Drupal is stored as a 'node', the basic unit of content. By default, there is no hierarchy or structure imposed on these nodes: they do not reside in specific 'sections' of your site, and different kinds of nodes (images, blog posts, news articles, etc.) are not automatically grouped or sorted into different groups. Rather than hard-coding specific hierarchies or styles of display, Drupal treats your content as a giant soup, with each piece of content having properties like a title and an author, a 'published' flag, a publication date, and so on. Specific kinds of pages, specific sections of your site, and so on are created by pulling up any content with certain properties and listing it.

Some examples can help clarify this concept.

  1. Default front page

Fresh New Database for an Old Site

Hi everyone,

I've been maintaining a drupal website for a couple of years. Over that time, I've made some changes to the website: add/deleted modules, renamed and reorganized menus, changed a few settings on modules, etc. All these are written to the tables in the database and remain there even after removing the modules.

Drupal 6.0 Beta 1 released

Update: Drupal 6.0 Beta 2 is available now!

After eight months of development, we are proud to announce the release of the first beta version of the Drupal 6.x family. This beta includes a tremendous number of new features and new programming APIs for both users and developers. We improved Drupal's human language related features, interoperability with databases, logging solutions, sign-on systems and also included an update notification module for improved security, so it becomes easier than ever to get up to date with the latest security and bug fixes.

It is important to note that this beta version should not be used for production sites. We've resolved most errors reported so far, but there are outstanding known issues and most likely some problems that have not been reported as of yet. It is expected that there will be at least one more beta version followed by at least one release candidate before Drupal 6.0 is finalized. You can help us reach the final release date sooner by testing this beta and providing feedback.

An idea about language text in modules

How about putting all hard coded language like help text, field titles, etc in the modules into a text only file.
$output = '<p>'. t('The Drupal module uses the...
ie. comes out of drupal.module and into drupal.txt or something.
each text string would have it's own variable.
this would make it easier to proof read the modules.

then maybe a system of translation could be setup so you don't have to load translations into the database.
this would help reduce the load on the database.

Need drupal developer - expert with GMAP/location modules

I am looking for a drupal developer to work on Project Lulu. It's a social network site that involves geo tagging and new ways to network. I have had many experiences with hiring developers and have come to the conclusion that the best way - for both sides - is to start slow. I break-down the project in several phases, phases 1 being very basic. So if you agree with this approach and you are an expert with drupal, php, google map's api, the gmap module, the categories module and how it can apply to profiles, please do read on. Lastly, it would help tremendously if you would share with me any implementation examples similar to the specs below.

So here's the high-level functionality I need developed/implemented for Phase 1:

1. Registration
- add category fields (category table should be same as for content types)
- users should be able to create categories on the fly

2. Search, GMAP and location modules
- display users based on zip code and category keywords on a google map
- display list view

3. Profile
- display mini profiles as bubbles on google map to include user thumbnail, username, categories, and a link to the full profile

4. Facebook integration
- Utilize facebook's api
- parse users as site's own base on specified data markers.

Changes to external authentication login in Drupal 6?

I have an authentication module that I am developing in 5.x and now I'm trying to test it under 6.x. It looks like the previous logic to call the hook_auth() hook isn't working the same. Can someone provide me with some insights on the changes in 6.x? Is there any documentation available?

-Theo Pozzy


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