Using a node as a term intro?

Looking for pros of cons for using a node as a term intro/description and maybe inserting it into a term using views/php. Currently I'm using Taxonomy introduction which works good but only the admin can make changes to the intro. I need to allow other people to make updates to the category intro.

I was thinking of either setting up a content type called intros and storing it in a vocab/cat called intros. Then I'd pull in the required node into the appropriate term.


XML parsing modules

i was wondering if there were any modules available that would parse xml. i am trying to develop a newspaper site with a staff that doesnt know much about things like this.
i need something that we could upload content and the site would automatically parse the content publish it and archive it when needed.

sorry this is so short, in a bad hurry

thanks people

Experienced LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) Developer (Drupal Development)


We are looking for an experienced LAMP Developer with Drupal experience to provide development, installation, and configuration support for community driven websites using Drupal. Duties will include: extending the existing website through custom module development; extending the existing user modules, with a focus on our mission, to provide enhanced user experience to visitors; intranet development for reporting, marketing, and management; development of website widgets for use on 3rd party websites using 3rd party APIs; assist in optimization of existing content management to meet the needs of our staff and userbase.

This position is an integral, 'hands-on' position that will be involved throughout the product planning, development, and deployment lifecycles.


Candidate must have a bachelor's degree or 3+ years of equivalent experience developing community driven websites using LAMP technologies. In addition, the candidate should be a motivated, self-starter with the ability to multi-task, prioritize tasks, recognize the business impact of change, and provide input into design and architecture to enhance performance and functionality. Additionally, the candidate will have the ability to work independently and within a team environment.


Drupal experts needed to build a robust and innovative site

Developers needed to build a Content Management System / Navigation System and Payment system for a new website dedicated to children learning Mandarin Chinese. Innovative and robust programming as well as creative work needed. Write to to persuade us why we should listen to you. See and for background information.

Categories and types

I wanted to use Drupal as a portal system and I need to create this layout: content (i.e. the individial nodes) is placed into CATEGORIES, which are shown in a tree menu somewhere on the left/right side of the page and every node has also set a TYPE, and the types can be chosen from a panel in the top area (e.g. Articles | Examples | Code base | Forums | ...). So every combination of a type and category would be an individual list of nodes. I've tried the Category module but I don't know how to implement the types. Any ideas ? (Please excuse my bad english, I am Czech)

New hooks for altering menu items

The Drupal 6.x menu system introduces two new _alter hooks for changing the items being saved to the {menu_router} or {menu_links} tables.

hook_menu_alter() is invoked via drupal_alter() as part of menu_router_build() before the menu items (which define all valid Drupal paths) are saved to the {menu_router} table.

A Drupal path is the string such as 'node' in, or assuming clean URLs, Each path in {menu_router} is unique. For convenience, a menu link (see below) corresponding to the path is usually added to the navigation menu.

This alter hook might be used, for example, to change the access callback that determines who can view the corresponding page, or to change any other property declared by a module in hook_menu.


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