Writing actions (Drupal 6.x)

Note that the Action Example (and Trigger Example) in the Examples Project should also help you with learning about actions and triggers.

Drupal actions are best understood using an appropriate definition.

For Drupal site administrators: actions are individual "things that Drupal can do." Some examples of actions are sending an email, publishing a node, banning a user or promoting a node to the front page of a website. Typically you will encounter actions in Drupal's configuration screens.

For developers: an action is a function that operates like a stored procedure. The function's parameters, if any, are stored in the database and the function is executed by retrieving these stored parameters and calling the function.

Can you give me an example of where an action might be useful?

Actions are usually used to configure Drupal's response to an event. For example, suppose a Drupal site administrator wants to be notified by email whenever a new user signs up. She would configure a "Send email" action and use the trigger module to assign that action to execute when a new user joins the site. (Technically, that would be when the user hook's 'insert' op runs.)

Where does the actions code actually live?



I installed a Drupal Site for testing, and an hour later after some tests I made a complete new install. Downloaded the new package and pointed my browser to:
but he rewrites my url to: http://xy.bla.com/cgi-bin/install.php
I already changed the base_url to http://xy.bla.com/blog, but it makes no difference.
Then I tried with Drupal 5.2...but same problem.

problem with taxonomy in host shifting


I have set up my site on a host and now I am moving my sites to another host, i did the following,

1 - move all files to new host from old

2 - create database on new host using EXPORTING FROM OLD IMPORTING TO NEW

3 - writing new information in /site/default/settings.php to match new host values

but now when I browse the site I get this error

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: category_get_tree() in /home/user/public_html/domain/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module on line 716

Create Multiple Node ?

I recently had to go through the "how the hell am I gonna make my photo gallery easy to update by a super basic user?".
The easiest way I found was by using CCK / Views / Image field / Image cache / Image Pager. Works great, BUT... not perfect... every gallery is A node with multiple pics in it...

Basically my big worrie is how to make the "create and image gallery and upload pics in it" step as easy as possible. And when I was thinking about how to do that, I realised that an anoying side of drupal, is that you can't create several nodes at the same time. If you want to upload 10 image as nodes, you have to create one bye one... too long...

What if it was just possible, when you are creating your content, to have the ability to create several... like if I want to upload 10 images, I can go to my CCK for image that I set before, but I could just create multiple images at once, and every each of them would be a different node, with taxonomy, title, author...etc...

I guess it would be a module called something like "CCK Multiple Node", that would do the same trick as enabling "multiple value" for a field, but better, by actually creating multiple nodes...

Minelli Theme


I'm using the Minelli theme with Navigation Block on the right side.
But now the Logo ist overlapping my main content.
How do I have to modify my style.css in order to move the main content and navigation block to the right?


Drupal Ajax IM server

We are developers of Drupal Ajax IM module : http://drupal.org/project/ajaxim
We would like to consult with Drupal community about problem we have faced:
At first Ajax IM server was developed as Drupal module, which is enough for 5-10 users, but can be too slow for more. The solution was to write a standalone server. Our customers wanted this server to be written in Ruby. Here is the question:


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