I recently had to go through the "how the hell am I gonna make my photo gallery easy to update by a super basic user?".
The easiest way I found was by using CCK / Views / Image field / Image cache / Image Pager. Works great, BUT... not perfect... every gallery is A node with multiple pics in it...
Basically my big worrie is how to make the "create and image gallery and upload pics in it" step as easy as possible. And when I was thinking about how to do that, I realised that an anoying side of drupal, is that you can't create several nodes at the same time. If you want to upload 10 image as nodes, you have to create one bye one... too long...
What if it was just possible, when you are creating your content, to have the ability to create several... like if I want to upload 10 images, I can go to my CCK for image that I set before, but I could just create multiple images at once, and every each of them would be a different node, with taxonomy, title, author...etc...
I guess it would be a module called something like "CCK Multiple Node", that would do the same trick as enabling "multiple value" for a field, but better, by actually creating multiple nodes...