2 domains, 1 site, but different header --> is it possible?

I'm using Drupal for some time for single domains.

Now I'm thinking of setting up a new site which is accessable via 2 domain urls. E.g.:

The main content will be the same on these sites. I only like to have different headers containing the name of the specific domain.

Is this possible?

Social networking image gallery


I am actually building up the following: a community website which features pictures that were submitted to contests and I would like to have your opinion in order to know if there would be better ways to do something. Also, my brainstorming in setting it up may give people ideas.

Contests happen on a regular basis: "The Foo Contest 2006 edition", "The Foo Contest 2007 edition", "The Bar Contest 2004 edition", etc.

I created a "Contest name" free tagging + non hierarchical + single + required vocabulary.
I created a "Contest" content type that requires a term from the "Contest name" vocabulary and that has a CCK date field. Then I used auto_nodetitle.module to automatically generate a title for the node using the "Contest name" term and the date. This way, I am able to easily create "contest instances" where each "Contest" node is an instance of the contest designed by its term in the "Contest Name" vocabulary. As you can see, at this point this is taxonomy that builds a relationship between all the instances of the same contest.

Then I created a "Picture" content type that uses imagefield, imagecache and used nodereference to model a parent-child relationship with the "Contest" content type. I am still wondering which should be used for that: I did not like the node relativity module that much, maybe the new outlining features in D6 could help.

An out-of-the-box "snw" profile for drupal will be welcome

For 6 plus version of drupal and for the fact 'cms' is becoming old compared to social networking :

An out-of-the-box "snw" profile for drupal will be welcome
Add ideas !

a front page configurable to have

regular display of news or articles
blogs only : those blogs which bloggers have opted to put on first page
aggr of comments or scraps [ n numbers ] made in guestbooks

blogs :
allow user to have a header text/gif/jpg of fixed size
option to allow to publish to front page directly
blogger can determine whether this will be for all | herself | friends
blogger can determine how many topics in one page
an individual archive block while one is on the individual blogger's page

gallery :
by default each user have own gallery
with latest picture on profile page + link to more + total count of pictures
general site gallery as there is now which does / does not list individual galleries
each image can be sent as ecard / postcard plus link to webprint services

friends :
the current system is complicated - make it like this
A adds B as friend > B receives PM and or email > B approves >
B is shown as A's friend in friend list

by default it shows
online or not
in a top bar - no. of friends | no of guestbook comments received | no. of pixes added

elp with editor and gallery

Hey. I'm useing fck editor. Have a problam.. I'm inserting image from url, it shows in edit form, but when I save it there is no image :( When I try too send from my pc pic, it shows "file upload is disabled. please check editor/filemanages/upload/.. but there is no editor folder in the server...

Link Management: How to identify the Node ID for internal linking?


I'm using Drupal for several years but could never figure out a sensible way for internal hyperlinking in my Drupal sites after setting up the modules "path" and "pathauto": As soon as I start using "real" URLs (semantic URLs which signify what the user can expect in the node), the Node ID becomes hidden for my users; the only way to display them is to edit the node. Since not every (anonymous) user has sufficient access rights to any node, even if the users would go such lenghts to identify the NID, they wouldn't succeed in many cases. All other methods for linking result in instable hyperlinks which tend to break over the time, since paths are modified or the pathauto config is changed. To make this even worse, neither Drupal nor any 3rd party module offers some kind of internal Link Management (e.g. link checking, like the new Plone offers).

Link Management: How to identify the Node ID for internal linking?


I'm using Drupal for several years but could never figure out a sensible way for internal hyperlinking in my Drupal sites after setting up the modules "path" and "pathauto": As soon as I start using "real" URLs (semantic URLs which signify what the user can expect in the node), the Node ID becomes hidden for my users; the only way to display them is to edit the node. Since not every (anonymous) user has sufficient access rights to any node, even if the users would go such lenghts to identify the NID, they wouldn't succeed in many cases. All other methods for linking result in instable hyperlinks which tend to break over the time, since paths are modified or the pathauto config is changed. To make this even worse, neither Drupal nor any 3rd party module offers some kind of internal Link Management (e.g. link checking, like the new Plone offers).


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