CCK vs Taxonomy


I wanted to open this topic because I discussed about it a lot quite recently and I would like to gather opinions about a specific example involving CCK and taxonomy. This discussion may be useful to Drupal newcomers as reference.

Among those two solutions, what would you do:

1) work with the "story" content type and create a "Content" vocabulary that contains 2 terms "Announcement" and "Blog" that gonna by used to categorize the content type.

2) clone "Story" to "Announcement" and "Blog" content types: you now have two content types that use the same fields.


Solution 1) brings you taxonomy based browsing: taxonomy urls can combine terms, ubrowser module can ease browsing (or taxonomy_browser when it's updated), etc. Also, as mentioned in a Lullabot podcast, taxonomy is somehow optimized because it stores information by ids compared to CCK. However, if for some reason you want to add fields to your "Announcement" nodes but not to "Blog" nodes, you're a bit stuck because you gonna break your workflow.

With solution 2), views can help you combining nodes. You can add fields whenever you want. Also, you are free to use different permissions for each type of nodes. If your "Annoucement" and "Blog" content types use the same fields forever (title and body), then it does not matter you don't lose anything.

Drupal authentication / synching with a non-Drupal user database?

Hi. I am closing in on making a choice for adding moderated blog publishing to an existing online news site.

The site has thousands of registered users using an MD5 password and PHP Session authentication scheme with a mySQL sb.

Nonprofit uses

I'm looking to gather success stories for non-profits using Drupal.

If you're running a non-profit and use Drupal, please leave a comment. I need:

1) The URL

2) Why you chose Drupal?

3) The size of your organization.

Unable to connect to database server

Many times we see an error like this on websites ...

Unable to connect to database server

If you still have to install Drupal, proceed to the installation page.

i hv seen it in recent times on and today on .. i just went to this website throguh a very active members page, nancy.

Is Drupal too difficult for me?

I'm a webdesign and I know html and just a little of php.
A client asked me to set-up a website that looks very similar (same pages, categories..) to this one
He also asked me to do it in a way that he can keep it updated by himself: so he should be able to add new releases, new artist, tour dates and news.
I've downloaded and installed Drupal, I've done some small changes but now I'm very confused on how to go on and I don't know if I'm able to do what he asked me.

New to drupal, using drupal 6, need hints for first module (big one)


I am new to drupal and have just started a big project using drupal 6 (since it will be released long before our project is released anyway).

I was hoping to describe the module I need to make and get a short list of functions and hooks that i need to accomplish that. I know it's all available in the api but it's soo much easier if you know where to start. I've been reading handbooks and tutorials for over a week.


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