Multiple news categories on one page ?


I'm trying to get two columns of news listed on the one page - each consisting of a diferent news category. The first one works well.

MySql is too old!

I get this message when trying to install Drupal 6:

Your MySQL Server is too old. Drupal requires at least MySQL 4.1.0. (Currently using MySQL database 4.0.26)

Does version 5.2 or 4.7.7 work with an older installation of MySql?

CCK or Custom Module

I would love to use Drupal's community features as well as basic CMS features for a (American) football related site. However, one feature I want is detailed player/team statistics. For instance, I want to have each team's performance and statistics as well as each individual player's performance and statistics as a function of opponent, game, and season. I get results from each game and generate the statistics on my computer, so Drupal won't have to do the actual calculations.

Limiting access to specific nodes to registered users?

Please help.

I am trying to make one node or page which is only available to users who are logged in. The access control panel allows me to do this for all of a certain content type, but I only want to do it for one page.

Is there a way to do this without installing another module?

It seems like something that should be relatively straightforward.

Any ideas?


Pay Per Post ?

Is there anything we can do with drupal which ask's for payment from user for posting ?
or user a/c with several credits to let them publish ?
or something tht related to user Karma to allow them to write content ?

Pay Per Post ?

Is there anything we can do with drupal which ask's for payment from user for posting ?
or user a/c with several credits to let them publish ?
or something tht related to user Karma to allow them to write content ?


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