A new %-modifier for db_query()


I am working on writing a module for a client who has a large amount of data split across several tables that have essentially the same structure, but different names, and because of this I often find myself having to generate dynamic table names to access these tables. Currently I have to validate the user-supplied part of the table name, then run the table name through db_escape_table() to ensure that it contains no bad characters.

Fainer grains of access permissions

I'm considering using Drupal to implement a CMS app for a client of mine. I see in the Access Permissions reference that there is a permission called "access content." Is there any way to get finer granularity so that I can give users permissions to see certain groups of content?

Thanks for your input.

Jason Whittle

Using the theme layer (Drupal 6.x)

See also: Theme handbook (D6)

Modules in Drupal have the capability to allow presentation to be overridden for use on individual sites; this capability is called theming. In order for the theme layer to be usable, a module must be written to take advantage of it. To do this, logic must be separated as much as possible from presentation.

To accomplish this, modules do as much of the work on the data as possible, and hand that data off to the presentation layer. Modules then provide default implementations that provide the basic presentation and serve as a basis for themes that wish to provide an alternate presentation. This is handled through the theme() function. Every chunk of output that is themed through the theme() function is called a theme hook. There are two ways to provide a default implementation. The easier but less recommended way is to provide a function, and the recommended way is to provide a template and a corresponding preprocessor function. We'll expand on this in a little bit.

Updating Drupal 6 snapshots

Hello all,

I have some websites to create for petty soon (around back-to-school) and I decided I would go straight to 6.0, since I don't want to try to understand Drupal 5 only to have to go to 6 just after two months (I already saw quite a lot of differences between 5 and 6).

Orlando based Marketing Agency seeks fulltime Drupal Developer

Intermediate / Senior Drupal Engineer - immediate position
Full-Time or Contract

About Us:
We are an Orlando-based Interactive Marketing Agency, using Drupal for many of our projects, when applicable.

About You:

How to sort articles and allow proper group features ?

How can the articles or stories be sorted according as I wish and not just
according to date or alphabet or just stickied ?

How can Organic Groups have individual forums by default and album, own icon/logo ?
Currently it seems to provide blogs only.

How can users have buddies only after approval and list them on profile page
with a more link once the number of buddy is more than 10 or 20 ( or 'x')
Currently it provides no such link.

How can users :


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