OG User Roles and Content Access / ACL

OG User Roles will work with the Content Access and ACL modules. However, there are some restrictions which are explained here:


The documentation I created assumed TAC installation. I have not tried Content Access/ACL without TAC. However, this user has: http://groups.drupal.org/node/5392#comment-17496

According to him, it still works.

OG user Roles and modr8

Release 2.1 of OG User Roles now modified to work with modr8 module.

If a user has an OG role which gives him the "moderate content" permission, this user can NOT access the modr8 Moderation List or overall Moderation Log. These are "admin" functions and OG User Roles does not give group role users access to sitewide "admin" functions.

However, the user CAN moderate individual nodes (a "Moderate" tab will appear on nodes that the user can moderate) and see the moderation log for individual nodes.

To change the moderation status of an individual node, use this url:

node/< nid >/ogmodr8

Because the OG user (with "moderate content" permission from the OG role) can see and moderate individual nodes in that group, we can use "Views" to obtain a list of nodes in moderation. I exported a view here: http://drupal.org/node/164092#comment-283138 to list all nodes in moderation for a particular group. The URL to the view is: http://www.mysite.com/og/modr8/(GroupID) Your users can use this view to list all nodes in moderation within a group, click on the node link which will bring it up with a "Moderate" tab, and then click on the tab to change the moderation status of the node.

Installation Help

Has anyone tried installing this on RedHat Enterprise Linux ES release 4?

Control User Pages

this cms stuff is new to me so i have some questions.

i would like to use drupal to create a site. i would like to be able to make usernames and passwords for multiple clients and be able to change what there page looks like. i would need different stuff such as video up on each persons page. i don't need them to be able to register either.

i didn't download a version yet either. which would be best for me, keeping in mind i need to be able to put up multiple videos

is this all possible?

please let me know.



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Integrating YUI RTE with Drupal for WYSIWYG?

The new YUI Rich Text Editor looks pretty sweet. Anyone out there considering a Drupal tie-in module for this? Would anyone else out there be interested in this?



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