Freelance Developer Required for High Profile Australian Site (Sydney-based)

A newly formed Australian Political Party, Senator On-line (SOL), requires a freelance Drupal Developer to develop Phase I of the party's web site.

The Party, which has passed AEC registration criteria and is expecting final confirmation of its registration later this month, is an exciting new concept that aims to utilise the Internet to allow the vast majority of registered Australian voters to cast their view on Bills being voted oupn in parliament, collate that view and have it reflected in a vote by the Party's senator(s) in the Upper House. In effect, everyday Australians would have a more direct say on Senate votes, rather than leaving the voting entirely to our elected representatives.

The aim of Phase I is to provide an informational web site to provide further details on how the Party will operate and to encourage support for the SOL concept.

Technology requirements would include a "flashy" landing page (probably done in Flash) with Drupal powering the rest of the site. There would also be some relatively minor form development required. The emphasis, though, is on aesthetics, so strong theme development experience is essential.

Wait on Drupal six and start with seven

Probably there has been talk about Drupal seven being full php5 oriented.
There has been reference to the gophp5 site.
While it is necessary for developers to change versions at a pace which is somewhat
difficult for the real, real, end endusers ( who are still site admins/owners and form
the mass non-surfer userbase ),
I was just wondering whether it is possible to wait on Drupal six and start with seven directly
since this is to be complete orienatational change and version six users will again

Try to do Basic configuration but always getting redirected to "Index of /drupal-6.x-dev"

I just installed Drupal 6.x , PHP-5.2.3 and MySQL 5.4.45 on WindowsXP. When I click on the Administer link on the index.php page, I get redirected to "Index of /drupal-6.x-dev" and I see the files and directories of this folder. I was expecting to go to some administrative page to go to User management to continue configuration.

As a matter of fact, all localhost links on the index.php page redirect me to "Index of /drupal-6.x-dev"

What did I do wrong?
Thanks in advance.

OG User Roles: Test

As of release 2.1, there is now a OG User Roles settings option which allows you to output debug info to a table.

You can use the Database Administration module in order to execute queries on your Drupal site database and view the table contents. Download from:

In order to output debug data to this table, go to OG User Roles settings, and in the form section "Test/Debug" place a check in the box next to Output debug data to og_user_test table?. This action will begin outputting data to the og_user_test table.

OG User Roles will automatically create this table:

    CREATE TABLE og_user_test (
      testDate varchar(25),
      testUser varchar(5),
      testUserName varchar(40),
      testGroup varchar(5),
      testFunction varchar(60),
      testSubFunction varchar(80),
      testString varchar(60),
      testStatus varchar(10),
      testURI varchar(200),
      testAArg0 varchar(40),
      testAArg1 varchar(40),
      testAArg2 varchar(40),
      testAArg3 varchar(40),
      testPerm long varchar)

To see the output, you must be able to access the table using the SQL command:

"select * from og_user_test".

You can execute this command using the Database Administration module: Admin->Site Building->Database.

You will see output similar to this:

pre eCommerce sites. How do you setup a site that will eventually be an eCommerce site?

Basically I have a client that I am redoing their website for. They only have the money for a brochure type site right now where they will list all their products, but they eventually want it to be a eCommerce site to sell the products when they get the money for that. So how would you go about setting stuff up so I don't have to go through and do a lot of leg work for moving everything over to eCommerce? Should I just install the eCommerce module, and not allow any payment methods, etc?

The requested URL not found on this server.

Hi everyone,
I am trying to install Drupal on server but when I try to login it comes up with error message

"The requested URL /project/Drupal6/ was not found on this server".

Anyone have any idea why this happening.

Any help much appreciate



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