Drupal site admin alert: possible bot/hacker apparently targetting Drupal sites.

Hi Guys.

I was doing some maintenance on a few of my sites and while checking the admin watchdog, there was a huge amount of login attempts by the following username:


He/she/bot is coming from random IP addresses, so I haven't worked out a way of banning the hacker/bot from my server.

A google search for that username suggests that he/she/bot is targetting Drupal sites.

Get active language

Is there any API function to get the active/selected language in Drupal 6? There are different ways to negotiate the language in D6 (e.g. url prefix, $user->language, fallback language, ...), but how can I get the active language in a module? Checking $user->language is apparently not sufficient because one can override this with a url prefix (e.g. language switcher block). I couldnt find an API call like i18n_get_lang() (from i18n module) in Drupal 6.


I was fiddling around engaged in the battle to control garland side panels when all all my css driven background-images dissapeared on every page.

I've clearly pressed the wrong button somewhere.

Anyone got any thoughts other than 'what a doddle'/



Hi everybody!

I'm new to Drupal, after reading and seeing what Drupal can do, who can resist trying it?
I've installed Drupal 6.x and I am now trying out the different modules and settings of Drupal.

Changed default language, can't get english back

I am using drupal 6 and am a complete noob at drupal.

I imported a second language (Swedish) and then I went and set it as default language and now I can no longer get english back as my default language. English simply dissapered from the place where you set default language.

I have tried with most of the stuff I can think of but I simply can't think of anything else, anyone have any ideas?

It should be said that the language pack was for drupal 5 and i am running drupal 6.

Any ideas are appreciated.


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