Failure to connect to your MySQL database server

I am now trying to install Drupal 6 onto server with correct database name etc... but its coming up with following message:
Failure to connect to your MySQL database server. MySQL reports the following message: .

hotmail, yahoo, google user name and password

if users could log on with their hotmail, yahoo, google user name and password directly, I saw new version of joomla can do this. I did test the yahoo module of drupal, that's not good.


Display active menu item not as link

No link with the same result.

Solution: Active Menu item not in a link:

<li class="active"><span></span></li>

Garland Sidebar widths and dissapearing content

A couple of days ago I changed the color scheme on my garland based site; then all chaos let loose - Pandora's Box

I looked the problem up on the forum and found a long string of correspondance and have - i think - followed them all up - including using

'save configeration' in /admin/build/themes/settings/garland

but still i have the left hand sidebar in its right place but all alone at the top of the page - then the body, which appears to overlap the left sidebar's space, below it, then the right sidebar on the left below that.

OpenID Bounty

With support for OpenID coming soon in Drupal 6 I just wanted to make sure that the developers knew about this bounty that Drupal might be able to get. Will the support be of the correct version of the standard?

In an effort to raise the awareness and increase adoption of OpenID, we are proud to announce the OpenID Code Bounty.

US$5,000 will be donated to the first ten software projects that meet the requirements of the bounty program. Currently the OpenID Code Bounty is being sponsored by VeriSign, JanRain, Four Kitchen Studios, Cordance, ooTao, Zooomr, claimID, ZP3, International Webmasters Association, NetMesh, SXIP, Opinity, Six Apart and AmSoft.
Bounty Eligibility*

We are hoping that in addition to the following requirements we will have the open source community nominate projects that they would like to see included in the bounty. To participate in the bounty, you must:

* Distribute under an OSI-approved license.
* Have at least 200,000 public internet users and 5,000 downloads per month.
* Implement OpenID 2.0 support as a Relying Party (RP) or Identity Provider (IdP).
* Make enabling OpenID no more difficult than changing one configuration setting (there can be more optional configuration settings).
* Distribute the implementation as part of the project's core (it cannot be an additional download or patch).


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