OpenID Server Development


I am interested in working on a openid server module for Drupal.
Can anyone provide any input on this ?

I am thinking on evaluating the technology and current working examples first.

Also i remember that there is a drupal implementation for OpenID.
I think it would be great if we can implement something like claimid which includes openid and microformat support.

creating a simple Drupal administrators app for mobile phones?

Hi guys,

I recently download the gmail app for mobile apps and was impressed with it's opposed to logging into using a mobile phone. It's about 129kb so it took a few seconds to download to my phone and once installed it is really handy.

I was just wondering (And apologies in advance if this is a stupid question) if it was possible to create a simple Drupal App like that for admins.

Match column and default value type

A field's default value, if it has one, must be of a type that is compatible with the field's database type. Database engines typically have type-conversion rules so that, for example, if your provide the string '0' for an integer column it is converted into the integer 0, but it is still better to specify the correct data type in the schema definition.

The following table defines the correct types and shows correct and incorrect examples.

MySQL peculiarities with implicit defaults

[Note: the following only applies when MySQL (5) is not running in Strict Mode. Every developer is encouraged to enable Strict Mode to produce standard conformant SQL and avoid sloppy coding.]

MySQL does not enforce the "standard" SQL rules for NOT NULL and default values on columns. It gives all columns an "implicit default value" even if no default value is specified for the column, making it possible to insert rows without providing a value for a NOT NULL, no default column. For example, consider this table:

$schema['T'] = array(
  'fields' => array(
    'i1' => array('type' => 'int'),
    'i2' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE),

In "standard" SQL, the statement INSERT INTO T (i1) VALUES (NULL) is illegal because no value is provided for the NOT NULL column i2. In MySQL, it is legal because i2 gets the "implicit default value" for integers of 0. This behavior is not portable to other database systems and code that relies on it is flawed and considered sloppy. Unfortunately, because so many Drupal and PHP programmers learned SQL using MySQL, INSERT queries that depend on this behavior often occur.

Adding NOT NULL columns with no default

Suppose you have an existing table T and want to add a new type 'text' column named C that will be NOT NULL and have no default value. If table T already contains rows (or, on some DBMS's, even if the table is empty), you cannot add a NOT NULL column without providing a value for every row. There are two potential solutions:

  1. Add the column with a default value and then, after it is created, remove the default value property. This does not work for column types that do not allow default values at all (such as 'text' and 'blob' on MySQL).
  2. Add the column without NOT NULL so all rows get a NULL value, UPDATE the column to set a value for all rows, then add the NOT NULL property to the column. This works for all column types.

The Schema API db_add_field() function supports option 2. The function accepts a field specification array to add to a table. The specification may contain the parameter 'initial' and the newly created field will be set to the value of the key in all rows. db_add_field() creates the column as NULLable, performs the UPDATE statement and then, if appropriate, sets it to NOT NULL. The 'initial' parameter works for all columns but is the only way to create NOT NULL columns with no default value in existing tables.

Primary key fields must be NOT NULL

SQL databases require that all columns involved in a table's primary key be declared as NOT NULL. If you declare a primary key column to allow NULL values, MySQL and PostgresQL (probably among others) silently convert the columns to NOT NULL, but you should not rely on this behavior.

For example, this table specification is incorrect:


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