Mir Se Vini


Create first user error

After instaling the aplication I can't Create the first user
I get this error
Duplicate entry '1' for key 1 query: INSERT INTO dr_users (name, mail, pass, init, status, created, changed, uid) VALUES ('daniel', 'samiam001@gmail.com', 'f7093a7a4cbc17b341362e49b25d696c', 'samiam001@gmail.com', '1', '1184190350', '1184190350', '1') in /home/www/coltultau.com/Drupal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 66.

Rebuilding Menu System Configuration, Clearing Caches etc.

Whilst working on something unrelated for my employer, I had a problem whilst developing a module for Drupal 6. Essentially, changes to the hook_menu() function don't take effect until the Menu System rebuilds it's data structures. There's no easy way to do this, so I've written a module that does this (and a few other things).

With Drupal 5, if you made a change to hook_menu(), you could clear the menu configuration by running the SQL command "truncate cache_menu;". This causes the Menu System to rebuild that information, making your changes take effect.


Would this host work on drupal and would it be a good host?
http://www.3ix.org/one_dollar_web_hosting.php the $3 USD plan

Alphabetic List module?

I am very new to drupal. I just stopped using wordpress and started using this and I found it easier to mold a theme into something I like. I own a video game website. www.xblfrenzy.com and I want to add games to it but I have a problem. I need something that goes from a-z also #'s to. Under A will be all games that has the starting letter of A in the title. I was wondering if there is a module or something that will do that for me. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Website Hosting

Does anyone know any cheap($3-4 a month) webhosting that will support Drupal 6.x?


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