The Future of Drupal Image Management

I'm looking to move my Gallery (i.e. Menalto Gallery) albums over to Drupal. There are many advantages to that, which I assume people reading here can readily see.

At the moment, though, I feel like Drupal is missing some important Gallery functionality and that I will need to do some patching. I've seen people speculate that in the long term image management will move to using CCK and that the original image module may be deprecated in the future. I don't know whether there's anything to that speculation, but it makes me want to ask where people think Drupal is headed and if I were going to be making patches or whatever, where to put the effort.

I've been playing with the image handling options in Drupal, and have seen a lot I like in AcidFree and in CCK + Views + Imagefield. What I see missing and what I would like to add are as follows:

All drupal album systems.
- no manual sort. To get a manual sort, you would need to use numeric titles and sort by title (01. My First Image; 02 Next Image; 03 Image after that). Gallery allows all the sort options that you get with AcidFree, plus manual sort (and has a nice ajaxian "rearrange" tool, though I can get by without that).

CCK + Imagefield + Views
- no mass upload

Split the module structure in DRUPAL 6.X for better load performance

I think that a big change in next version of drupal 6 should be the structure of the modules.

A module should be splitted in various file ad each file only loaded when there is need of this:

An example module file struture:


So any mode is loaded when is need of this
In mymodule.module we puth only the base hooks like menu,link,permission,module information.

Creating pages from an XML document

I have an XML document, from which I want to create a large number of nodes in a Drupal site--essentially, each row in the document is going to be a node, with each column going into a different field in those nodes.

Is there a way to make this happen automatically, or can it only be done by hand?

Mentor, consultant, Heavy lifter.

Yes, I pay my friends, I admit it!

I am moving a site from custom PERL to Drupal and need some support. Notably someone with experience installing and customizing Ubercart and working with the Forms API to customize the user cart experience. I would prefer to find someone in the Western Mass, SW New Hampshire, SE Vermont area with whom I can meet with in RL for training and brainstorming on a reasonable basis.

If you have time and experience, I need you now.

Steve Wills
Blessed Herbs, Inc.

YouTube like video content sharing and comunity web site

Who can help me to develop a YouTube like video content sharing and community web site? The web site will be under a certain subject. Here are web site sample build on Drupal: (Basically this is the same idea but I will have a different subject)

This is what I need in addition to the regular known YouTube like sites:

Functionally of a CMS and project management software plus features to set up:

-tasks like at

-online writing, posting and collaboration tool like (open source) but accessible and editable online like google docs & spreadsheets

-all tied in to a online networking/video share software like and

A good metaphor for understanding this is to think about a sports team; everyone has to contribute the right play at the right time as well as adjust their play to the unfolding situation - but everyone is doing something different - in order for the team to win. That is complex interdependent work toward a shared goal: co-ordination and collaboration.


I want to include podcast in my site ? Plz help me very urgent


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