Better time zones for future releases?

Has anyone else been disappointed with time zones as currently managed by Drupal? I'm hoping that in the future (by which I mean releases 6+) we can set a site's time zone by name (i.e. Canada/Eastern) rather than by GMT offset. Ensuring proper handling of time zones and daylight savings vis a vis the Event modules has been quite confusing since I started using Drupal (back in the 4.7 days) and I'd just like to see something better. As well, I'd like to see where others sit on the issue before I start actually agitating on it.

System Admin

Many people know us as vhost (see this Drupal node). We provide Drupal hosting and are currently looking to outsource administration of some of our servers to a Drupal expert.

The servers are running Ubuntu ( and the required person will need to be able to administer and "tweak / configure" the OS to ensure that it is capable of running Drupal sites and support as many of the contributed modules as possible.

New Webb Page

Our new page is submitted for all to input their comments and suggestions. Please remember this is just a draft and will be tweaked as comments come in. Bare with us as it will take awhile to adjust to the change and I know you'll find it more user friendly as we go along. The webmaster is Paul Shrek, a former marine corpsman and presently computer engineer with the Fripp Island, SC TV network. He will be modifying any necessary changes and helping us finesse this site.

Database-Driven Group Information Sharing

My wife is a director at a non-profit organization that helps animals. They are implementing Drupal for their volunteer Web site. They have a simple home-grown application that they currently use to store information about animals. Volunteers enter the cat's or dog's (or rabbit's -- seriously) name, room number, kennel location, color, sex, ID#, behavior notes (in a text box), etc. They can also search previously entered information, see it displayed in a simple, sortable and editable list format.

Another filter selection for admin/user/user

In the same veign as the last version of this.
The one for admin/content/node actually interfered with this working (???)
This one solves whatever problem was cause, fixes a bug that was already there, and introduces disjunctive selection - in one way.
Because the module account_type relies on the radio button structure, this cannot work with that module enabled, until some change is made to that module.

Here is the code that would be altered in user.module

* Implementation of hook_user_operations().
function user_user_operations() {
global $form_values;

$operations = array(
'unblock' => array(
'label' => t('Unblock the selected users'),
'callback' => 'user_user_operations_unblock',
'block' => array(
'label' => t('Block the selected users'),
'callback' => 'user_user_operations_block',
'delete' => array(
'label' => t('Delete the selected users'),

if (user_access('administer access control')) {
$roles = user_roles(1);
unset($roles[DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID]); // Can't edit authenticated role.

$add_roles = array();
foreach ($roles as $key => $value) {
$add_roles['add_role-'. $key] = $value;

$remove_roles = array();
foreach ($roles as $key => $value) {
$remove_roles['remove_role-'. $key] = $value;

Drupal 6 release

Today is July, 1st, the day when the Drupal leaders promised to release the new version of their lovely CMS. So, where is it, guys?


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