Drupal Developer (3-Month Contract)

We are looking for a Drupal Developer to work a 3-month contract providing Drupal support for an existing client. Ideally we are looking for 1-2 years of strong experience with Drupal. This is an in-house, full-time position (40 hours/week) in the Downtown Toronto area.

If interested, kindly forward your resume to aliya@pentacan.com. For all inquiries, feel free to give me a call at (416) 915-5595 x424.

Are these great shopping cart Drupal cart?

I have found these sites, they have very good shopping cart:


Any designer want to design a similar site for me?

My email: kaiqute@yahoo.com

Keep your custom page-forum.tpl.php layout file when viewing a thread


This snippet stops phptemplate dropping your custom page-forum.tpl.php layout file when you're viewing a thread.


The way PHPTEMPLATE dynamically loads custom page-layout.tpl.php files in Drupal 5.x is by path, but, when you click through to view a thread the /forum/ part of the path is lost. In other words, you're viewing a node with comments e.g. node/123.

This snippet works around that by adding in an extra check in your template.php file.

Step 1 of 1

  1. Using a text editor like notepad.exe or equivalent, copy the following snippet into your template.php file, remembering to omit the opening and closing PHP tags (i.e. <?php and ?>) if you're adding it to an existing template PHP file.
  2. Upload your new or edited template.php file to your active theme folder and your new layouts will take effect automatically

* This snippet loads a custom page-forum.tpl.php layout file when
* users click through to the login, request password or register pages

function _phptemplate_variables($hook, $variables = array()) {
switch ($hook) {
case 'page':
// node type isn't available in template.php so we have to go get it.
if (arg(0) == 'node' && is_numeric(arg(1))) {

Looking for Vancouver/Ottawa based drupal / php developers for an interesting movie portal project.

The project, roughly, would involve building up a drupal-based social network site that incorporates Video, forums, friend lists, e-commerce, advertisements, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. We're definitely not looking for a typical clone website that screams CMS -- we're really looking to leverage all of drupal's strengths while presenting a very usable, web 2.x experience to our end users similar to Flickr and Facebook.

Screencast 3 - Flex and the Node Delete Service

This screencast builds off of "Screencast 2 - Flex Recipe Application". It is a detailed walk through of how to use amfphp to connect Flex and Drupal and specifically addresses the issue of using the node.delete service in Flex.


Customizing the forum

This section of pages has handy snippets for customizing your forums.

Also have a look at Advanced Forum to get a more typical forum look "out of the box."


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