Theming table views generated by the views module using your style sheet (CSS)


The following snippets illustrate how to theme the table views output from the views module using your stylesheet.

When the views module outputs a table view, it wraps the table in a DIV which has a class using the following naming convention:

<div class='view-content view-content-viewname'><table>

Customizing table views generated by the views module


The following snippets illustrate how you can override the default table views output from the views module using snippets you can copy and paste into your template.php file.

Please also note the following handbook page Theming table views using your style sheet (.CSS)

Saturday, June 23 is Drupal issue queue cleanup day

On Saturday, June 23, the whole day is dedicated to cleaning up Drupal's issue queue. Our goal is to review all patches in the "patch (code needs reviewed)" state, and set their status to code needs work, duplicate, or ready to be committed. The issue queue is generally pretty slow, so those 400+ issues to review should be picked out before Saturday. It might also be helpful (and fun) to find someone to review with on IRC. If you can't agree with the patch, find someone in IRC to talk to.

We hope to make that 428 patches to be reviewed into 0.

Your Help Will Be Appreciated

Dear Drupal Community,

I've been thinking for a long time about switching some of my websites to drupal, but I don't want to spend a fortune to do it. So I will allow the readers of this forum to give me their observation about how this can be accomplished. First of all the websites are located at Black Conscious and Black Conscious

Black Conscious is a content based website, while Black Conscious is an Online Community.

Black Conscious
The website operates underneath a CMS (now defunct) and uses SSI language to syndicate content. It is one of the few sites you can copy syndicated code and embed it into your website. There is a lot of flexibility in how you can use this code. For instance, you can have headlines with or without pictures. You can make headlines bold, italic or regular. And the amount of formating that is used is endless.

Another interesting thing about this website is that anyone can register to become a writer or content distributor. All that is done is that a person register's and log into their account.

How to use style.css to theme CCK

Step 1. Find out the cck field names you want to theme:
For example, I want to define the following two field names:


Step 2. In style.css, at end add:

.field-field-author {
color: blue;

.field-field-photo {
float: right;

You can also define field type.
For example, I define all my "text" type:

Can I integrate my J2EE application with Drupal?


I hv a requirement where I need to build a CMS based website, but I also have lot of database driven content which I would otherwise have displayed using my J2EE application.

If I build my website using Drupal, how woudl I go about it? will Drupal let me host all my dynamic applicaions also??

I am really confused


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