any Drupallers using CCNOW for their site?


I'm just wondering if any other Drupallers are using ccnow as a payment gateway?

(This probably only makes sense to people already or planning to use ccnow.)

The reason I ask is that I'm migrating a site at the moment to Drupal and the only ecommerce gateway available for ccnow appears to be cubecart.

I've emailed the ccnow team to say that I would like to create a ccnow.module for Drupal.

How to have less DB queries

One of the best things about drupal is how modular it is, but this same great feature can also be its downfall. The more modules a user loads the more database queries, the more queries more drupal’s performance is affected. This is even more of a factor when your database is not running off the localhost.

Files system access is very fast. Why can’t we utilize the file system for some things to reduce drupal cores database queries?

Why cant we have a directory called files/drupal/

Then any tables that modules do not access directly and only access using core function can be moved to the file system.

There are 2 places I think this would be easy to do.

Variables and Cache.

To change variable_get() and variable_set() should be easy.

When it comes to cache tables I found this issue to be very interesting.
This never made into core and it ended up becoming a module. If we forget about the fastpath stuff and do as Dries suggested ( + this could also be moved to the file system very easily.

One more place I think we could do this is with sessions. But the session table can be used directly by modules. So, another thing that can slow down queries is the size of the data returned. So why don’t we move just the session data to the file system.

Could not believe my eyes!

Let me first say that I like Drupal very much and it is currently definately my choice of CMS!

I am relatively new to Drupal and I just found out that unpublished nodes are visible in the menu for non editors or admins!
Opening the page will then lead to an 'access denied' message which is of course correct. However, the menu items should not be visible for non editors in the first place!
First, I thought I must have made a mistake somewhere because this behaviour is not to be expected from a CMS!
After trying for a while I just could not figure what I did wrong, so I did some searches on

The results:
This HUGE bug was already reported in 4.6!

Here are the results: (stated that it is fixed in 4.6 HEAD) (actually another problem but mentioning this problem as well) (feature request!!!! not even a bug report for Drupal 6)
..... (stopped searching)

Here is another thing:
There is a content type which has default published unchecked and create automatic revisions.
A non admin editor creates a node that will of course not be published.
The admin publishes the node.

Now the editor decides that he wants to make some changes to the published node.

Updating tables: don't use hook_schema()

When writing hook_update_N() functions to create a new table, it seems natural and obvious to use the module's hook_schema() function to access the current definition of the table to avoid duplicating the table definition in the hook_update_N() function. However, you cannot safely use hook_schema() from within a hook_update_N() function.

Consider the following scenario: You created the module example. Initially, it has no tables, and its initial schema is empty. For version 6.x-1.5, you define a new table T. This means that you create the file M.install and, in it, create the function example_schema() which defines the table T:

function example_schema() {
  $schema['T'] = array(
    'fields' => array(
      'a' => array('type' => 'int'),
      'b' => array('type' => 'int'),
  return $schema;

You also write an update function to bring module M from version 6.x-1.0 to version 6.x-1.5 by creating table T:

function example_update_6100() {
  $schema = drupal_get_schema('M');
  $ret = array();
  db_create_table($ret, 'T', $schema['T']);  // DON'T DO THIS!
  return $ret;

For the 6.x-1.8 release, M no longer needs the field T.b. So, you update example_schema() to reflect the current schema and add an update function:

function example_schema() {
$schema['T'] = array(
'fields' => array(

GWT (Google web toolkit) and Drupal

I am interested in creating a javascript application and I am thinking to have drupal engine in the back-end and maybe GWT (Google web toolkit) or prototype as the front-end. So does anybody have any suggestions on how to start? I am fine with GWT on it's own but how do I integrate it with Drupal (CMS php scripts in general)?

Fundamental Issue

So I installed and have Drupal running, no problems. I've used other CMS before, and am used to a front end / back end concept. I've found the back end at http://myserver/drupal, but where is the front end?

I think I may have completely missed something important here, but when I try to make changes to the front end I end up losing my back end stuff and replacing it.

So how can I see what's being published, or if I am completely off track can someone re-orient my head please?




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