newbie here - looking for automatic email list signup module

We're creating a website at (a crazy hybrid gamelan band) and we want to have a really easy way for folks to sign up for our email list - like just type your email address in the box and push a button (and then a confirmation email is sent to the subscriber). Also, we'd like the ability to easily add addresses manually - like after a show, from our email sign-up clipboard.

Any help in finding the right module would be much appreciated.

I offer documentation services for Drupal modules

In the few months that I have used Drupal, the most frustrating aspect of the experience has been the lack of documentation to support contributed modules. I had indeed abandoned several modules days along the way, because there was really no guidance on how to make them work. This underlines the general problem that techies face when presenting solutions meant for the real world .In our own experience we feel enlightened to have been able to present useful tools - whereas the consumer feels nothing other than obfuscation , because they have no idea how to use these tools.

Easier enable/disable of modules

When I'm setting up a test/development site, I'm frequently enabling/disabling modules.

1) No specific solution, but is there a better way to decide which fieldsets on the module page should be expanded vs contracted? That could save a decent amount of searching/scrolling around.

2) Likewise, is there a reason to keep the Core - required fieldset and its contents?

Amazon S3 file manager

Hi all,

I need a file manager module based on Amazon S3, with this features:

- ability to upload file about 100Mb
- ability to manage files (add, delete, move, create folders...)
- ability to link file from a node body or attach it like images (like attach image module)
- ability to restrict access by user role.

Someone has started a project like this?

Thanks and... sorry for my bad english!

Date Import

The Date Copy module allows you to import date data into CCK nodes. Currently you can convert Event nodes to CCK nodes or import date data from an iCal feed.

Importing from Event Nodes

If you current have date information in Event nodes and want to get the event dates into CCK Date fields instead, you can do this using the Date Copy module included with the Date module.

  1. First, create the content type you want to import your events into and make sure the content type has a CCK date field and a field to hold the event description (either a body or a text field). You can create a new content type for this purpose or add a CCK date field to the current event type, depending on whether you want to create new nodes and nids or use the current ones.
  2. Make sure you set up the CCK date field to have both a 'From Date' and a 'To Date'. If your events have event-specific timezones, make sure the CCK date field is set up to use the date's timezone.
  3. Enable the Date Tools module
  4. Go to Admin >> Content management >> Date Import/Export >> Import >> Events and select 'Events' as the content type to import from and your new content type as the type to import to (/admin/content/date/tools/import/event). Only content types that have date fields will appear in the list of available content types.

Book Writer

I am writing a book on immigration. I am looking for a publisher. Please reply if you know anyone interested at


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