Looking for health and wellbeing sites ...also science and tech sites examples

I am looking to find examples of some health, fitness and well-being sites done in Drupal. At the same time I am also hoping someone has some examples of Science and Tech sites done in Drupal.
Anyone able to help ?

Calculating age from birthday

PLEASE NOTE These snippets are user submitted. Use at your own risk.

Timur Gilfanov uses the following code in a computed field to find the current age of someone given their birthdate:

Calculating average speed

D'Arcy Norman has a Computed Field example in which he calculates the average speed of a bike trip, rather than filling it in manually:

Computed Field settings (leaving other fields at their defaults):

Computed Fields: Adding numeric values stored in two separate fields (basic info).

Note: the Computed Field Module can be used instead of this custom code (in Drupal 5.x and 6.x)

Imagine you have two existing number fields, called field_product_price and field_postage_price. You want to create a computed field field_total_cost which adds these two fields. Create a new computed field with the name 'Total Cost', and in your computed field's configuration set the following:

Making a node link to itself

These examples demonstrate how to output the node ID (nid) for the current page in the form of a link to itself.

Computed Field code snippets

This is a collection of sample code snippets that can be used in CCK fields enabled by the Computed Field module.

If you have a snippet that performs some new function, please add a new page to this section. If you have a variation on an already documented function (e.g. a different method to achieve broadly the same effect) please add a comment to the relevant page.


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