Configuring Computed Field


A Computed Field can be configured with the usual field options, as well as the following extra options:

Installation and upgrading

Installation is done in the usual way: just drop the module into your selected modules directory and enable the module.

Drupal 7
Drupal 5-6

GMap: Add Google Maps to your site

The GMap module is both an API and a filter to easily embed Google Maps into your site.

Drupal 6.x

The GMap package consists of the following modules:

JavaScript utility modules

Several contrib modules listed in the Utility section offer more javascript and jQuery functionality.

  • jQuery UI: A wrapper module around the jQuery UI effects library that lets module developers add swooshy, swishy effects to their code.
  • Javascript Tools: Javascript Tools provides both an integrated set of Javascript and AJAX modules and a common set of methods extending those available in Drupal core (drupal.js) for Javascript and AJAX module development in Drupal.
  • jQuery Update: This module facilitates the upgrade jQuery in Drupal 5. jQuery 1.0.4 is included with Drupal 5, however it is not very well supported in the jQuery community. In order to use most current and advanced jQuery functionality you will want to build off a newer version of jQuery. This module includes John Resig's compat-1.0.js plugin that provides backwards compatiblity for newer versions of jQuery to work with the JS code in Drupal 5.
  • Ajax Load: When loading new content via AJAX, there is the potential need to load CSS and Javascript files and data not already available on the page. Ajax Load is a helper module designed to handle this task.

WebFM: Hierarchical filesystem manager


WebFM (Web File Manager) implements a hierarchical filesystem unlike the traditional flat filesystem used to date by Drupal (a single directory indexed by a database). WebFM allows administrators to arrange files on the server in the same way they do on their local storage drives which greatly enhances the maneagability of large collections of documents.

WebFM uses Ajax and JavaScript to provide application intensive functionality such as drag-and-drop and context-sensitive menuing. JavaScript must be enabled for WebFM to function - functionality will not gracefully degrade for clients that have JavaScript disabled.

Go to the WebFM project page for releases, notes, issues and demo site links.

Installation & Configuration

  • Download the official release from the WebFM project page.
  • Unzip the archive and copy the 'webfm' directory to your modules directory (ie:/sites/all/modules). Alternatively copy the tarball to the module directory if you can unzip it on the server.
  • Enable the module on Drupal's admin/build/modules page. An install file updates the database with the necessary table additions.

Starting Over - Clearing your Aliases Completely Or Selectively

Bulk Update All Objects

Older versions of Pathauto (4.7 and 5.x-1) regenerate all aliases of the requested type during a bulk update when the Update action (at Administer > Site Configuration > Pathauto > under General Settings) is set "Create a new alias, replacing the old one."

Bulk update replaces all old aliases with new ones. However, this bulk update created problems, such as incomplete updates and/or server time-outs, for very large sites and/or on particularly slow servers.

Bulk Generate For Non-Aliased Objects Only

As of Pathauto 5.x-2.x or Pathauto 6.x-1.1, bulk update only generates aliases for non-aliased objects - if a node already has an alias, it will not be updated during the bulk update. You might run into problems if you add feed aliases or tracker aliases to an already aliased object. It is best to delete the object's alias and bulk update them.

Deleting all aliases

To regenerate all aliases from a clean slate, Pathauto 5.x-2.x and Pathauto 6.x-1.1 provides a "Delete all aliases" option. You can selectively delete by "all aliases", "users", "content", "user blogs", "vocabularies and terms", and "user trackers".

In Pathauto 5.x-2.x the "Delete all aliases" options can be found at: Administer > Site Building > URL Aliases > under the "Delete all aliases" tab (admin/build/path/delete_all).


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