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If your transfer method is set to "private" on Administer >> Site Configuration >> File System, then you may have problems viewing the avatar selection images. Please ensure that the file system path set is an absolute path and if you've changed your transfer method from "public" to "private" since uploading the images, you may need to re-upload them again. See for more info.
The Avatar Selection module can be configured at Administer >> Site Configuration >> Avatar Selection. Users will need the 'administer avatar selection' permission to alter the settings and to upload or delete images.
Download the latest version of the Avatar Selection module from the project page. Untar/unzip the files and place the entire avatar_selection directory in an appropriate module directory like sites/all/modules.
When a user edits their accounts details they can choose to upload an image or photo of themselves, also known as an avatar. The Avatar Selection module allows the user to pick an avatar image from a list already loaded by an administrative user. It is also possible to disable the uploading of pictures by users and only allow them to select an avatar icon from this list.
No images are supplied with this module. It is recommended that all images you use are roughly of the same size.
Note: as of FAQ 6.x-1.9, this settings page has been moved. There should now be an 'Order' tab on each individual faq page which allows you to adjust the order of nodes displayed on that page.
This settings page allows the user to adjust the order in which questions are listed on the 'faq' page. If categories are enabled, then the weighting is done on a per-category basis as a FAQ node can appear in more than one category. Only users with the 'administer faq order' permission can re-order the faq items.