If you have a large number of questions and answers, it's often useful to be able to put them into different categories. This can be achieved by enabling the "Taxonomy" module and checking the "Categorize questions" checkbox on the FAQ categories settings page (admin/settings/faq/categories).
This is probably the most important FAQ settings page. It allows the user to control the layout of the questions and answers on the automatically generated 'faq' page.
Page layout
The user can choose from four different question and answer layouts.
The "general" settings page (admin/settings/faq) for the FAQ module allows the user to configure the title that will appear on the automatically generated 'faq' page. By default, it is set to 'Frequently Asked Questions'. It is also possible to enter a brief description and this will appear at the top of the 'faq' page above the questions and answers. This description can contain any information you require. For example, it could inform the user what to do if they can't find an answer to their question.
The layout of the FAQ page can be modified on the settings pages (Administer >> Site Configuration >> Frequently Asked Questions). There are a number of question and answer layouts to choose from. In addition, if the 'Taxonomy' module is enabled, it is possible to put the questions into different categories when editing. Users will need the 'administer faq' permission to configure the layout, etc.
Download the latest version of the FAQ module from the project page. Untar/unzip the files and place the entire faq directory in an appropriate module directory like sites/all/modules.
Enable the module
Go to Administer » Site Building » Modules
Make sure "Frequently Asked Questions" is enabled (listed under "Other").
Click Save configuration at the bottom of this form.