Configuration of ldapgroups module

ldapgroups module integrates LDAP Groups with Drupal roles. In addition, it can define "access rules" that define which LDAP group members can or cannot access the site.

Please note that to configure this module, you will need to know a little bit about how groups are stored on your LDAP server. You may need to work with your LDAP/AD admin to get the information needed.

To configure the group settings:

  • Goto Administer >> Site configuration >> LDAP >> Groups

Settings Tab

This page will display a list of the configured LDAP server settings created in the LDAP Authenticate module. These can be configured with individual LDAP Groups settings to determine group and access information.

The configuration that was used to authenticate a user into Drupal will be used to perform groups and access actions.

  • Select edit to configure Groups to Roles mapping for a specific LDAP server.

Server Groups Setting Page

This page allows you to define the setting needed by the LDAP Groups module for each server.

Group Definitions

Configuration of ldapauth module

Once the LDAP Integration module (also referred to as ldapauth module) is installed, it's time to enable the module and configure it.

Enable the module

  • Proceed to Administer >> Site building >> Modules
  • Enable the ldapauth module

Configure the module

  • Proceed to Administer >> Site Configuration >> LDAP >> Authentication


These are options that will be used with all LDAP servers.

Installation and Upgrades

Fresh Install

LDAP Integration module requires the ldap module for php which may not be installed/enabled by default. To install these:

On Debian/Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install php5-ldap

On Windows
editing the php.ini file to uncomment the line
should do the trick.

After restarting apache/php install the module following the Drupal contributed module installation guide.

6.x Upgrades
Replace the existing code with the new code in your system.

Log on as the admin user (uid=1)

Follow the standard procedures to run update.php ( )

Older unsupported version info

Between 4.7 and 5.x versions of the module, the module's backend was overhauled and it also was being transferred to new maintainers. As such, upgrading the module from previous versions to 5.x will include a complete uninstallation of the old version and re-installation of the new version. Also, ldap configuration information will have to be re-entered.

  1. uninstall the old module
  2. remove the module entry from the system table

Creating KML feeds of location-enabled information

The KML module allows location-enabled information from your site to be viewed in Google Earth. It requires the Location module to associate geographic coordinates with a node.

You can:

HOWTO: Select Drupal form elements

It is easy to manipulate a form element or query an element's attributes with jQuery. Because jQuery's selector function accepts CSS selectors, you can simply select the form element by ID and chain any jQuery method to it to return or manipulate its value or appearance.

When the Drupal Forms API renders a form, it names elements based on their key in the form array. The following element would be rendered with an ID of #edit-code-name:

  $form['code-name'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#value' => t('James Bond'),

The syntax to select this form element via Javascript with jQuery is:


Note that spaces and underscores are filtered into hyphens when rendered, so a form array key of code-name and code_name would be selected per the example above.

So, if you want to use Javascript to display to the user the value of the hidden code name field, you would use the following:


Converting 5.x modules to 6.x

Automated module conversion

For an automated module conversion solution, visit the Deadwood project. Deadwood will attempt to automatically make many of the changes listed in the conversion guide below and the related roadmaps for the menu, schema, and form APIs.

Some of the new functions are implemented in the Helpers modules and can be used to bridge your re-development.

Video tutorial

To play or download a 16 minute screencast, see Porting Drupal modules (in this video tutorial, from Drupal 5.x to Drupal 6.x using Coder, a developer module that assists with code review and version upgrade).


Updating Drupal modules to D6 in three easy steps, by successively using the Deadwood, Schema, and Coder modules. Not as hard as you might think.

Contributed module status

Contributed modules status - version 6.x is a list of plans for contributed modules being ported to 6.x. It's a wiki page where everyone is encouraged to contribute updates.

Overview of Drupal API changes in 6.x

  1. Entirely new menu system
  2. Major FormAPI improvements
  3. New Schema API
  4. New format for hook_install()
  5. New format for hook_uninstall()
  6. New format for hook_update_N()
  7. The arguments to url() and l() have changed
  8. Variable names can now be 128 characters long
  9. Taxonomy terms are now associated with node revisions, not just nodes
  10. format_plural() accepts replacements
  11. New drupal_alter() function for developers
  12. New module_load_include() and module_load_all_includes() functions for developers
  13. hook_form_alter() parameters have changed
  14. hook_link_alter() parameters have changed
  15. hook_profile_alter() parameters have changed
  16. hook_mail_alter() parameters have changed
  17. $locale became $language
  18. New hook_theme() registry
  19. template_preprocess_* with .tpl.php files
  20. node/add is now menu generated
  21. New watchdog hook, logging and alerts
  22. Parameters of watchdog() changed
  23. new hook_update_N naming convention
  24. New syntax for .info files
  25. Core compatibility now specified in .info files
  26. PHP compatibility now specified in .info files
  27. New db_column_exists() method
  28. cache_set parameter order has changed
  29. Cache set and get automatically (un)serialize complex data types
  30. node_revision_list() now returns keyed array
  31. New operation in image_scale_and_crop()
  32. New user_mail_tokens() method
  33. New ip_address() function when working behind proxies
  34. {files} table changed
  35. file_check_upload() merged into file_save_upload()
  36. {file_revisions} table is now {upload}
  37. drupal_add_css() supports automatic RTL CSS discovery
  38. Node previews and adding form fields to the node form
  39. JavaScript behaviors: new approach to attaching behaviors
  40. JavaScript themeing
  41. Translation of JavaScript files
  42. JavaScript aggregation
  43. custom_url_rewrite() replaced
  44. hook_user('view'), hook_profile_alter() and profile theming
  45. Distributed Authentication changes
  46. hook_help() parameters are changed
  47. Change "Submit" to "Save" on buttons
  48. node_feed() parameters changed
  49. hook_nodeapi('submit') has been replaced by op='presave'
  50. taxonomy_get_vocabulary() changed to taxonomy_vocabulary_load()
  51. hook_init() is split up into hook_init() and hook_boot()
  52. Remove db_num_rows() method
  53. Remove $row argument from db_result() method
  54. Block-level caching
  55. Batch operations : progressbar for heavy computations
  56. Node access modules : simplified hook_enable / hook_disable / hook_node_access_records
  57. node_access_rebuild($batch_mode = TRUE) / node_access_needs_rebuild()
  58. Upgraded to jQuery 1.2.3
  59. Removed several functions from drupal.js
  60. The book module has been rewritten to use the new menu system
  61. new helper function: db_placeholders()
  62. Comment settings are now per node type
  63. Check node access before emailing content
  64. form property #DANGEROUS_SKIP_CHECK removed
  65. "Access control" renamed to "permissions"
  66. locale_refresh_cache() has been removed
  67. FormAPI image buttons are now supported
  68. db_next_id() is gone, and replaced as db_last_insert_id()
  69. admin/logs renamed to admin/reports
  70. New helper function: drupal_match_path()
  71. drupal_mail() parameters have changed
  72. New hook: hook_mail
  73. Use drupal_set_breadcrumb() instead of menu_set_location() to set custom breadcrumbs
  74. user_authenticate() changed parameters
  75. Automatically add Drupal.settings.basePath
  76. Get an object relevant on specific paths
  77. hook_access() added parameter
  78. Can't add javascript or CSS to header in hook_footer()
  79. Translations are looked for in ./translations
  80. hook_submit() has been removed
  81. hook_comment() no longer supports the 'form' operation, use hook_form_alter() instead
  82. taxonomy_override_selector variable allows alternate taxonomy form operations


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