Textile: simple text syntax

The textile module allows users to enter content using Textile, a simple, plain text syntax that is filtered into valid XHTML. Textile enables users to learn to format content quickly without having to worry about more complex syntax of html or xhtml. The filter tips page provides syntax descriptions and examples. Users can use syntax to create:

Taxonomy menu: navigation for terms

Taxonomy terms allow classification of content into categories and subcategories. The Taxonomy Menu module adds links to the navigation menu for taxonomy terms. This is useful when the community is focused on creating content that is organized in a taxonomy.

Creating a Taxonomy Menu

In order to create a taxonomy menu, first create your vocabulary. If you have an existing vocabulary, navigate to the taxonomy administration menu. The path depends on your Drupal version (5, 6, or 7).

RSVP: invite people

The RSVP module lets users invite people by email to events and track a list of people who will be attending. The RSVP module requires the event module because it is necessary to have an event to invite people to first.

To file issues, read about known bugs, and download the latest version on the RSVP project page.

Automatic RSVP creation with Event

Privatemsg: An internal messaging System

The Privatemsg module allows users to send messages to each other without having to share their e-mail addresses. Once the module has been enabled, an inbox link will appear in the navigation menu. "Write to author" links are included in posts, allowing users to write private messages instead of commenting openly. Allowing users to communicate directly with each other is an important part of community building.

Node privacy by role: node view and edit permissions

The node privacy by role module allows users, when creating or editing a post, to select which roles of users on a site will have view, edit, or delete permissions for the node. Community leaders frequently want to give permissions to roles to create and manage content for a site. The ability to publish information, that would traditionally be hoarded, allows communities to educate each other while still preserving the value of knowledge.

File and directory management

These are general guidelines.

  1. For Drupal 5.x and later: a new feature/best practice. For a normal (single site) installation, you should put all non-core modules or themes in the sites/all/modules or sites/all/themes folders. For a multi-site installation, put modules or themes in sites/all that you wish to have available for all sites.
  2. Multisite setups allow you to have a modules directory specific to the site in the sites/www.example.com/modules directory. You can still put modules in directories under sites/all/modules if you want them available to all sites. The most specific module or version found is the one that gets used. If you have different versions of image.module stored in both sites/thatsite/modules/image and sites/all/modules/image, then 'thatsite' will use the version found in 'thatsite' directory, while the others will use the other one.


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