This forum is for less technical discussions about the Drupal project, not for support questions.

Add link to Drupal Forums in Olivero Welcome text

I discovered there was no link to this forum on the "Welcome!" page after you install Drupal, so I created #3416039: Add link to Drupal Support in Olivero Welcome text.

Do NOT open until 2045

Old book

Sitemap xml generation to include search pages urls

currently search result page URL's are not displayed in the sitemap.xml file, its indexing only the pages URL's and we also need to include search page URLs in Sitemap for SEO.

Logo confing should be on basic site config instead theme config

I have noticed that one of the requests that can be repeated in a drupal project is that the client whant to be autonomous to change the logo of the website recurrently.

There is a form to change the logo in the appearance section, inside the theme configuration.

Why this config is it in the theme? Doesn't it make sense that this configuration remains unchanged even if the theme is changed?

What should I do to increase User Experience of my website? Need suggestions

Hello, my name is Sanjeev Mansotra. The user experience is perhaps the most important factor for determining the success of a website. I want to increase traffic on my website. What changes should I make to increase the User Experience of my e-commerce website? My website is related to apparel and accessories.

I'm new to this community, so please suggest tips and tricks to increase traffic!

Where can I talk to business owners?


I'm new here, wondering where can I find people who own companies or brands, those with big portfolios and tons of work.

Thanks in advance for any guidance.


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