This forum is for less technical discussions about the Drupal project, not for support questions.

Any tips for customizing the Drupal 10 Forums? (no D10 Advanced Forums yet :( )

We were using Advanced Forums in Drupal 7 and one of the themes that it came with. The default Forum look and feel is not the best, and we realize that Advanced Forum module has not been updated for Drupal 10 yet. 

Have any of you found a module that allows for customizing the Drupal 10 Forums yet? Or have you gone a different route of maybe custom code or found a completely different Forum solution? 

Drupal 10: create nodes in a loop generates duplicates

I created a module for Drupal 10 that imports a csv file with custom data that is used to create new nodes.

The script loops the csv rows, it download remote images and create a new node with attached file, everything goes well if I run the loop only once but if I run it normally, the loop generates more nodes than the csv rows with a random number of duplicates.

Here is the main part of the loop:

Site Studio opinions

Hope this is an appropriate question for this forum. I work for a company that is trying to decide if we need Acquia's Site Studio or if we're okay just using the Layout Builder. (A third-party dev firm will be building the site and they recommended Acquia.) Our current site is built in Drupal, but the site has a lot of custom code so it's difficult to assess if the interface for non-coder marketing people will require too much development time to make changes to templates if we just use the Layout Builder or if that will suffice.

I'm encountering a '500 Internal Server Error' response

I'm integrating an automated texting platform into my Drupal project and encountering a '500 Internal Server Error' when triggering automated text messages via a custom module. API credentials and endpoints are correct. Any tips on debugging this? Thanks!

Job text_spinner

I am using Drupal version 8
you need to do automatic content generation using spin technology, but so that the text is displayed statically and never changes.

Using this module as I understand it, the text will change every time the user enters.

Jorge Alberto Lloreda (Colombia)

Buenas a todos, mi nombre es Jorge Lloreda, soy de Colombia y quiero ofrecer mis servicios, como apasionado desarrollador con experiencia en el emocionante mundo de Drupal, me complace presentarme como alguien comprometido en crear soluciones web innovadoras. Con un historial de proyectos exitosos que abarcan desde sitios corporativos hasta plataformas de comercio electrónico, mi enfoque se centra en aprovechar al máximo las capacidades de Drupal para construir experiencias de usuario excepcionales.


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