This forum is for less technical discussions about the Drupal project, not for support questions.

Layout Builder dummy content too long

When you edit a layout with the Layout Builder and add a body field for example (or other text fields), the preview is filled with dummy content, but instead or just a couple of line of text, it fills the whole page with dummy content. 

It makes it hard to move blocks up and down. 

Is there any way to limit this preview/dummy content characters? 

Thank you

<button> from the Add menu link


The link of menu item has a possibility to apply attribute <button>.

What is the practical usage for that?

Enter <button> to display keyboard-accessible link text only.

Views exposed filter like dropdown hierarchical collapsible menu

I have views dropdown exposed filter with Search API form. Any idea how to make it like dropdown hierarchical collapsible menu?
Style doesn't matter.
The Better Exposed Filters does give such ability.

Only local images are allowed.

Looking for some functionallity suggestions with modules/themes

I'm looking for some suggestions as to modules and themes to help with the functionality of my Drupal 10 based site. I'll try to keep as brief as possible. As it could be lengthy, I will provide most as requested.

That said, I'm new to Drupal and am a bit confused navigating through the modules and themes to locate what I'm after.

How to use twig to get the id of current entity page?

Hello, everyone

How to use twig to get the id of current entity page?

I test the following, but not succeed:

{{ }} There's nothing output.

{{ path('entity.node.canonical', {'node': content['#node'].id() * 1}) }}
{{ path('entity.node.canonical', {'node': ( * 1}) }}

There output : /node/0

How do posts with the flag 'Detected as Spam' treated?


I just joined today and posted a question in the Post Installation forum but it has a flag of 'Detected as Spam'.

I don't know what I did wrong to get that mark in the post. How does that affect it being viewed or interacted with? I thought I had to recreate the post with less text, so I did and that was also marked as spam.

I don't want to keep making "spam" as a new member of the Drupal community, any help would be appreciated. 


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