This forum is for less technical discussions about the Drupal project, not for support questions.

Refer Module module - No messages appear - Drupal 4.4.1


I have installed refer module with Drupal 4.4.1.

I downloaded the version of Matteo

It work well except that in the email that we send to friends, the text message does not appear.

However, when I click on the link: public eavesdrop page, the message that I wrote in the textbox appear.

Anyone had this problem? How to fix it?

Drupal Job Bank Module

I was wondering if anyone had done any analysis on implementing a job bank module for Drupal?

1) Ability to share from a centralized drupal database with other job bank sites.
2) Ability to not share from a centralized drupal database with other job bank sites.

Can anyone else add to this list?



I am wondering if there is any way to autenthicate a user against a different database instead of the one in Drupal.

Something like authenticating a user using Kerberos against a different server.

Thank you very much,

Site Cloud - Where is it?

Anyone know what happened to site cloud module?



Taxonomy solution - World atlas classification


I created a ONE vocabulary in taxonomy to classified Continent/Countries/Province/Cities/Regions

It's for classified the content of article. Other taxonomy are related to the article.(like topic)

At top level, i put the continent, the 2nd level, the coutries relatives to the continent, 4th level, the cities relatives to the countres, etc

My taxonomy form is so HUGE!!

Is there a better way to do a like a world atlas classification with taxonomy?

1and1 hosting suddenly returning 500 errors

Is anyone else using 1and1 hosting having problems with their drupal site? I have three running 4.3.2 and since yesterday, they're all returning Error 500: Internal Server Error. And since 1and1 doesn't make the error logs available its a real pain to debug.

Anyone else seeing this? Or better still worked around it?


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