This forum is for less technical discussions about the Drupal project, not for support questions.

Creating new pages from Page not found

OK, I'm a relatively new drupal user. Love the system. (Check it out at Philbo's Dietblog. I've ben using linking using the brackets a lot, and wanted to add some simple functionality so that if a page isn't there, you get the option to create it right on the spot. After some hawing, I added this code to node.php in the function node_failure() function:

Comment for the dev team.

I posted this to the dev mailing list earlier today... since I've had a request to repost it here, here it is...

Hi folks.

Just a quick note - I've been working on a couple (erm.. 4, so far) drupal based sites for the last couple of weeks (off and on), and the one thing that has struck me, over and over again, is how clean and easy to work with the code is.

In short, wow.. and thanks.

Feature request list - anybody home ??

The feature request list is so long and so many entries are not assigned ... should I bother making new entries??

Here's a reminder to a nearly 1 year old productivity suggestion:

Culture shift?

In gathering information for my action research project, I would like to know from those of you who are using Drupal in your oganization or with a group of people have been successful in creating a culture of collaboration. Specifically, how has the use of Drupal encouraged the change and what steps did you take prior to implimentation to ensure a healthy transition?

For the record, I am looking at using Drupal for an Intranet for my school district. Believe it or not, it can be hard to get teachers to use technology.

Losing backslashes when submiting php code

It seems when submitting php code, we lose back slashes and have to escape them.
Is there a fix for this?

I typed 4 backslashes below


But I bet only two have showed up!
To make four show, I would have to type 8 backslashes as shown below:


Please contact

Feature request - Text ads

I think that a way for members of a site to buy text advertisements (using either site karma or real dollars) for their own projects or sites would be great.

Kuro5hin does it and it's a cool (and probably easy) feature to implement!


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