Early Bird Registration for DrupalCon Atlanta is now open! By registering during our Early Bird Registration window, you’ll save $100. This window ends on 19 January 2025 and will go by quickly, so don’t wait!
We are creating a new organizational site from scratch. We are non profit provincial regulatory body.
The existing public site (Alberta Energy Regulator (aer.ca) & Alberta Geological Survey (aer.ca)) are on Drupal 9. We are a regulator and post a lot of information around policy and direction of the industry. It is mostly static content with documents. It is not very interactive.
I installed Drupal 11 Alpha1. Although I'm using the site for testing contrib code does Drupal 11 need to be officially released before there's an entry added to the "Drupal version" list (after selecting "Add new Forum topic")?
I am not sure if this is even possible. But can I either get a list of the drupal.org users who are located in Utah or can we have an email sent to them? My organization and I are trying to locate other drupal users in our area so that we can maybe start doing state wide conferences, trainings, etc. Does anyone know how we could start that? We have created a Utah channel in slack with the Channel ID of C072CDJ2YMD (#utah). Thanks for any help or insight!
And I have sound glitches like on radio tuning. From all software, that have sounds: players, browser, messengers. Glitches disappear after restart. I find only 2 sites, that make it: drupal.org and my local bank. With Chrome - no problems.
Without Audacious glitches can be to, but not in 100% of cases.
I am working on a Drupal 10 site and I am doing some development work along the way. I have three versions of the site: A Devel site (local), a Deploy site (also local) and a production site (on a commercial hosting platform). I want to use PHPStorm's sync feature to upload the code changes (and download files and database changes that users make). When I "sync to deployed" I see files that are different from devel to deploy and production.