This forum is for questions about upgrading an existing Drupal site. Don't forget to read the UPGRADE.txt file that comes with every Drupal download.

Fatal Error when upgrading to 4.4

Am a Drupal newbie. I went through the upgrade steps to upgrade from 4.3.2 to 4.4rc. After running update.php which seemed to work fine, I tried to access my web page and got this error:

Fatal error: Unknown column 'headers' in 'field list' query SELECT data, created, headers, FROM cache WHERE cid='/' in /xxx/xxx/xxxx/drupal/includes/ on line 97

Any help would be great! Thank you in advance!

flexinode image upload problem

Can not upload image with content type created via flexinode. Got "File copy failed: no directory configured, or it could not be accessed." error when clicking 'Preview' button on node creation page.
I'm using 4.4 CVS (downloaded on 2004.03.28) and flexinode cvs downloaded on 2004.03.31
Is this my configuration problem or flexinode bug?
Is there any alternative to flexinode having similar functionality?

Sorting topic displays using weights under 4.4rc

I have attempted to use taxonomy weights to order the display of nodes on a page under 4.4rc. I am using a mixture of the new flexinode module and stories, and also have multiple terms defined per node. My expectation of behavior has been that if 3 terms are defined per node, and two of the three taxonomy verbs are identical, the weighting of the third will order the display of the nodes on the page. Unfortunately, this does not appear to be occuring.

Cron problems under 4.4rc

Since upgrading to 4.4, I've been getting the following email:

Suddenly, no display of content under 4.4rc

Out of the blue, my 4.4rc site stopped displaying content. THis occurred after my attempt to upgrade to the latest image and node_image modules, but unchecking those modules doesn't seem to roll me back to functionality.

Project not working when upgrading 4.3.2 to 4.4rc

I'm getting the following error under 4.4rc when I try to access project forums:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: table() in /home/pflug/public_html/praecedo/modules/project/project.module on line 73

Any access of individual projects I've created also seems to fail. Any ideas?


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