This forum is for questions about upgrading an existing Drupal site. Don't forget to read the UPGRADE.txt file that comes with every Drupal download.

Installing a Drupal module rewrote my website htaccess file

The installation of a Drupal module yesterday using composer rewrote my website's htaccess file. Is this normal and to be expected? It's lucky I had a copy because our htaccess had several important entries that would otherwise have been lost. Is there a command that needs to be included when installing a module to prevent this from happening or am I missing something here? Thanks

Problem due to change of units from d10.1 to d10.2

This is about the changes in units variable in the file

In Drupal 10.1 this had

  protected $units = [
    '1 year|@count years' => 31536000,
    '1 month|@count months' => 2592000,
    '1 week|@count weeks' => 604800,
    '1 day|@count days' => 86400,
    '1 hour|@count hours' => 3600,
    '1 min|@count min' => 60,
    '1 sec|@count sec' => 1,

In Drupal 10.2 this changed to

Upgrading Drupal 9.5.5 to Drupal 10.2 giving dependency errors

Hi all :)

We have website running in acquia portal with Drupal version 9.5.5 (php 8.1.25) and want to upgrade it to 10.2

I have followed below steps till now which are given in official upgrade guide by drupal doc

1. Using upgrade status module to check the dependencies.

Recommended vs stable version

As of Today, Feb.26 2024, "composer show drupal/core-recommended" command returns bellow:
name     : drupal/core-recommended
descrip. : Core and its dependencies with known-compatible minor versions. Require this project INSTEAD OF drupal/core.
keywords :versions : * 10.1.8

But official Drupal page "" listed 10.2.3 as stabled version.

Should I upgrade to 10.1.8 or 10.2.3?

Can't find patches to migrate views_conditional from D7 to D10

Hello, I'm new to working with Drupal and i have to migrate an existing site from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10.
When i go to /upgrade in the modules that won't be upgraded section, i have a big list of them.
Now i'm trying to upgrade the views module but i can't find any patch or how to do it or solve it.
I've been looking at and did the same for each of the modules listed, but couldn't find a way to update them

Composer Issues wanting to upgrade Drupal 8.9.20 to 9.x

I'm reaching out to the community for help with this as I am not amazing with composer. I've done Drupal upgrades in the past but seems like there is probably an easier way to deal with these composer issues I am having trying to upgrade. I saw another post here:


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