Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.

Case Study - Retired Teachers of Ontario

Retired Teachers of Ontario

Lost and Found Pets site - free forum for los angeles

So while it may be a little early, as I'm still getting the site ready for a few testers, I wanted to share my first forum site that I've created. - A site for posting lost, found, and even just seen pets for people in the greater L.A. area. I know there are many other sites already out there, but one more can't hurt, and many charge big fees or are so diverse in context/content they end being hard to use. I have the spare hosting resources, and this is just so much better than a sterile 'example' site to add to a web design profile. The power of Drupal and the numerous modules available allows me to offer a lot to people, and so far I can't see the cost adding up to much more than a few pennies a day so I can just pay it myself.

The idea came to me a week and half ago, and after registering the domain last weds, I've been slogging away at getting it up and started. While I've been using Drupal and Ubercart for over a year now quite successfully, how this new site is intended to work feels like I'm learning a whole new system, but in a good way. - Olympic city news and yellow pages

Hello, friends!

Maks Portal was launched on October 4, 2010. This site was designed as city portal of Greater Sochi area - which is Winter Olympics 2014 host city. At the moment it contains local news (including photo sets and videos) and yellow pages connected with Yandex.Map. Many more useful subdomains are planned: weather forecasts, event calendar, webcams, feedback with mayor's office and city parliament, job search base, real estate base, tours etc. Weather part is due January 2011. - A showcase for panoramic photographs

I just launched this site
Please take a look around

The site showcases panoramic photographs by Andrew Semple (aka Lobsang Tenzin).
The images are presented as flat images and as interactive immersive images (using the shadowbox .swf player).

News & Publishing Theme - Bootstrap Custom Theme

The Dardistan Times, a community driven news web site is published here asking the drupal community members their expert opinion about how we are doing and what can we do more to improve the quality. I am not a programmer or IT guy, I am a writer. I have designed this web site just paying a close attention to the various tutorials and documentations.
I considered it a great success and I believe that Drupal is the best ever product I have seen ever and the drupal volunteers have made it more beautiful.

Check out:

LambsNest - The Christian Social Network

After searching high and low for an Open Source CMS framework to power our social network, we finally settled on Drupal. We tested quite a few, including Joomla, Elgg, BuddyPress and XOOP, etc. While the others are all great CMS's, we found that Drupal has got what it takes to turn our dreams into a reality.

The site took around 6 months to develop, including developing our own custom theme. We use about 100 user modules, including; CCK, Views, Panels, Advanced Forum, CKEditor, User Relationships, User Points, Fivestar, Private Messaging and Organic Groups, to name a few.


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