Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section. - Photoshop Tutorials

Hi Everybody,

I want to share with you all my newly developed website. in new page.)

Only local images are allowed.

The objective of is creating and sharing phothoshop tutorials, designs, tips and tricks. It is a very simple and straight forward website built on drupal 6.x.

PostMyRant Social Website

Hey all. Recently finished my latest project.

It is meant for users to post and relieve stress or just mouth off about anything they want.
No need to register, people can login with Facebook.
I'm actually looking for a partner as I am not too familiar with drupal. Preferably someone with coding experience. Please contactme if you are interested.
Critique is welcome.

Its a web hosting site which we planned to sell all our web related products like web space, websites, scripts, themes etc. So we searched for a e commerce tool with CRM integration ability. So many guys refereed WHCMS. As we love drupal than any other cms, we started to search for a existing similar site that using Drupal + modules. But we couldn't find one. Then we started to test with Ubercart and we have satisfied with the structure of it.

My Personal Website

My Personal Website done with Drupal. Towards mastering the Drupal Framework. Many other drupal projects on the line

The Link:

Youngzine - News site for kids 8-15

About Youngzine

Youngzine is a one-of-a-kind Web site where children aged 8-15 (and adults too!) can learn about current news and events shaping their world -- in a simple, engaging and interactive manner. Our simple goal is to help parents and educators create a vibrant community of globally aware young citizens in an increasingly connected world. Along with news stories written specifically with our young audience in mind, Youngzine strives to inform using fun trivia, compelling visuals, and by encouraging the sharing of ideas as well as creativity.


Youngzine was built using Drupal 6.x. One thing i realized is that to build a non-trivial site, i needed a LOT of modules. Here's most of that list (and it grows everytime i develop a new feature!)

For end-user Functionality:
- Views & CCK (of course)
- Lightbox 2: For popups (slideshows, dialogs, etc)
- Views Slideshow - so that slideshows can be rendered from views
- Custom Breadcrumbs & Taxonomy Breadcrumbs: (for auto-taxonomy-based breadcrumbs)
- Fivestar (for rating)
- Quiz (great module)
- Userpoints & Userpoints Contrib: Thumbs up! allowed me to do Foursquare-like competition
- Location (for locating articles, not so much users) - aviation learning for pilots

Niche site asking quiz questions
- Embed_widgets
- Lightbox2
- SimpleNews
- Fckeditor
- Views
- Weblinks
Off course other modules are used as well, but these are either required by the above, either of a more administrative nature.


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