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Sci Fi Log

In the last couple months I have been working at converting a home brew sci fi news aggregator over to Drupal with varying degrees of success. Still working on putting everything together but it is pretty much functional. It uses the Addari theme and Poorman's Cron to update the FeedAPI. I also installed Facebook Connect.

I managed to integrate it with my television episode aggregator (another work in progress). I am pretty pleased with it overall, but will continue to fiddle with it.

Tribute to Drupal

I have added a review in tribute to the greatness of Drupal and it's community on my site (which I built with Drupal). It describes what Drupal is, and gives a short introduction on how to install it on your local computer.

Check it out and feel free to leave comments regarding Drupal. Also let me know if you pick up anything important that I may have missed from the short 'installation' instructions.

Hopefully it will prompt a couple more people to join the community!

Drupal module for Widgit Insite, the editor for symbol content

A bit of background: I work for a company called Widgit Software. We make a graphic language, called Widgit Symbols, which adds pictures to words so everyone can access and understand information. We have a developed a web-based editor called Insite, which allows you to create and display symbol-supported content on the web.

Insite integrates with CMSes via plugins or modules and the first one we have completed is a module for Drupal. We've created a simple demo at

Swedish celiac disease community/resource site

GlutenfriaTorget ("Gluten-free square") was published 1st of June. The site was started by Ninni and Lars Stålhammar together with Stefan Johansson, and contains forums, recipes, products, news and facts material about celiac disease.

RIL Partner AB got the task to install and configure Drupal, as well as implement an existing layout as a Drupal theme.

The theme was implemented as a customization of the Framework starter theme.

The site's features depends heavily on CCK, Views, Insert view and Imagecache. This combination of modules has proved to be a killer combination, able to serve as a "swiss army knife" for all kinds of tasks.

In order to customize the default views of taxonomies, allowing "on the fly" listing of nodes belonging to different terms, the Taxonomy redirect module came very handy.

Website launched

I have published the website based on the latest Drupal 6 release. The design is based on a template bought from

The website is a guild website and fansite with information and guides for the new browser game, which is currently in open beta.

Site for new novel

My wife recently published her first novel. I knew that it would help to have a site dedicated to the book giving readers and other interested people a place to come back to on a regular basis so her site had to have some interactive content. I also wanted to get it done fairly quickly so I knew that Drupal was my only choice.

Please check out her site at And if you like mysteries or paranormal stories please feel free to purchase a copy of the book.


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