

Immunize Nevada and Nevada Health Response work throughout the state to help Nevadans stay healthy and protected from COVID-19. This united effort is NV COVID FIGHTER. Partnering with a huge roster of community organizations, they provide Nevadans with the most up-to-date information and resources to help prevent COVID-19 infection, access vaccines, and find treatment and testing.


Unrealist Technologies, LLC

Unrealist is a small software firm with more than two decades combined experience with Drupal. We specialize in mission driven organizations and are especially adept at DevOps and organization process automation.
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Nevada Cancer Coalition

Nevada Cancer Coalition

Nevada Cancer Coalition works to reduce the burden of cancer in Nevada by fostering statewide collaboration, empowering people with information and resources. They envision healthy communities across Nevada with equitable access to quality cancer care and support for every human being. 


Immunize Nevada

Immunize Nevada

Immunize Nevada is widely recognized as Nevada’s trusted resource for immunizations and community health for all ages by fostering education and statewide collaboration. They save lives by preventing disease and promoting health with increasing the vaccination rates of Nevada’s children, teens, adults, and seniors; ensuring adequate public health resources; training healthcare professionals; and expanding health collaborations. 


Lucerne Cantonal Hospital and Nidwalden Hospital: Multi-Site Design Refresh

Mock-up of www.luks.ch homepage on laptop, tablet and mobile

In 2021, Lucerne Cantonal Hospital and Nidwalden Hospital merged to form the new LUKS Group. As a leading hospital group, LUKS employs new digital technologies to increase efficiency and meet the major challenges in healthcare.

The project relaunched the two independent sites, and the frontends underwent a redesign. The websites of the Lucerne Canton Hospital and Nidwalden Hospital are mainly used for communication with patients, their families, general practitioners, specialists, as well as job seekers.



YOUR STRATEGIC TECHNOLOGY PARTNER For over three decades we’ve delivered high quality, world-class technology solutions to the world’s leading companies. We deliver complex enterprise software by aligning engineering, advanced technology, user-focused design and our collaborative delivery approach. We focus on relationships....
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