Style Guide: API

To change the list of items displayed by Style Guide, third-party modules
can implement following hooks, located in styleguide.api.php:

Style Guide

Style Guide provides a visual testing page for Drupal themes. Quickly compare the display of common elements across your themes, and verify that your new theme addresses all common style elements. Check out the demo site to see it in action(offline).


The Style Guide module creates a preview page for displaying common theme elements in all active themes for your Drupal site. The module comes with previews for common HTML elements, such as tables, forms, links and lists. The Style Guide module creates an API and preview page for displaying common theme elements. Use it to preview items such as tables, menus, and lists in your custom themes.


The purpose of a visual style guide as both a general theming and development tool is to ensure that common site elements are styled in a consistent and intentional way. For further reference see

Installing Style Guide

OG Tasks Documentation

OG Tasks provides a mechanism to create tasks to be run for a group, either automatically on creation, or optionally once the group has been created.

Tasks are defined by way of a hook function, hook_og_tasks_info(). This function takes two parameters: $entity_type and $entity. Both of these parameters refer to the OG entity. The type is often "node" or "taxonomy_term", and the entity itself as an object is passed into the second param. They can be used to set up different tasks for different types of OG objects, for example.

The hook_og_tasks_info() function should return an array of og_tasks objects.

A typical hook_og_tasks_info function will look something like this:

 * Implements hook_og_tasks_info().
function my_module_og_tasks_info($entity_type, $entity) {
  $tasks = array();
  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'my_module');

  // Navigation menu.
  $tasks['menu'] = new og_task(array(
    'title' => t('Create Navigation'),
    'description' => t('Creating a menu that is associated to the site that will drive the navigation.'),
    'required' => TRUE,
    'callback' => 'my_module_og_task_create_menu',
    'file' => $path . '/includes/',
    'completed' => my_module_has_menu($entity),

  return $tasks;

User / Field instructions for Edit Entityform Type form

Entityform user documentation (version 7.x-1.0-rc2)

This document will provide instruction regarding what information should be supplied to each question on the Home » Administration » Structure » Entityform Types » Edit "Form Name" form.

We have documented all of the fields on the Edit Entityform Type edit screen. While you can read all of the user documentation, you can click on the below links and it will take you directly to the instructions for the specified field.


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